
all things new.

New computer. New outlook. New hope. New vision. New music. Newly clean clothes. New confidence.

because you came, we have victory.
it's only by your blood, we can be set free.
so i will give my life and abandon shame,
for i know i'm yours -- because you came.

-jon bentall

first post of new.

many more to come.



burning things.

so august 31 is the day that i leave.
leaving on august 31.

august thirty-first. i'll be gone. some of you i won't see again until Christmas, and with the way things sometimes go, perhaps not even then.


so...that's life.

love.liberty.disco (worst newboys album ever).


did you ever...

did you ever notice that in order to post on one's blog, the direction or title on the webpage is "create a post"?
I never say, "I'm going to create a post now." I always say, "I'm gonna blog....".

Just a little something to whet the appetites. Recording my new hit single tomorrow. Spur of the moment sort of thing. Singing partner moving back home to England sort of thing.
