

TrackBack Explanation
By Mena and Ben Trott

A Beginner's Guide to TrackBack

What Is TrackBack?
In a nutshell, TrackBack was designed to provide a method of notification between websites: it is a method of person A saying to person B, "This is something you may be interested in." To do that, person A sends a TrackBack ping to person B.

TrackBack ping: a ping in this context means a small message sent from one webserver to another.

And why would person B be interested in what person A has to say?

*Person A has written a post on his own weblog that comments on a post in Person B's weblog. This is a form of remote comments--rather than posting the comment directly on Person B's weblog, Person A posts it on his own weblog, then sends a TrackBack ping to notify Person B.

*Person A has written a post on a topic that a group of people are interested in. This is a form of content aggregation--by sending a TrackBack ping to a central server, visitors can read all posts about that topic. For example, imagine a site which collects weblog posts about Justin Timberlake. Anyone interested in reading about JT could look at this site to keep updated on what other webloggers were saying about his new album, a photo shoot in a magazine, etc.


TrackBack was first released as an open specification in August 2002. It was released as both a protocol and as a feature of Movable Type 2.2, which contained the first implementation of TrackBack. Since the true value of TrackBack only comes when many sites support it, TrackBack was always planned as an open system: a system that could be easily implemented in other weblogging tools.

little old chinese men say....

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh so! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


stones taught me to fly.


Today, a 22-year-old college dropped to the floor, in a heap of unintelligible ramblings. It is believed that she was fed, or somehow otherwise ingested a toxic substance, causing her to lose all intellectual function. Classmates say that she has not yet returned to normal, though some of her speech functions have returned. When asked what happened, the student grimaced, and replied, "I forgot to bring an extra dose of sudafed to school with me."
Yes, another tragic incident of...sudden mucus-flooded-sinuses.

The moral of the story: always have the drugs you need on hand.



Dooooooooooooooooes anybody want to...record onto VHS some soaps (as in daytime television dramas) for me tomorrow morning, scan for an infidelity/deceit storyline, and then bring the tape to me @ school, in time for my 4.30pm english presentation?


Oh..no...okay...well...thanks then.

dusty hallways and cold, early mornings.

my voice is like this, "snap, crackle, pop.....fizzzzzzzzzzzzzz."

voice major? ha ha ha.



I've been reading "canterbury tales" for english class....the middle english speeling is maekening me crossenyeed.


if God had a name...

something else i borrowed from julie's blog.
she's a keeper.
as is don miller.

'what if we accept homosexuals into the church.
what will happen??
people's live will get changed! thats what will happen.
they'll hear jesus and god will speak to their hearts..
if he doesn't want 'em to be gay then the holy spirit can handle that.
but for some reason we've made that our battle, our fight
like its up to us?!
thats not what god's called us to do!
god calls us to love people.'


fritz on the schnitz, it's a blitz.

minty supper!

The CRAZY vending machine at school (aka the fiddy-cent machine), has been on the FRITZ!!!

On Thursday morning, t*rex put in $2, got her chocolate, and $3.50 in change!!! That's a profit of $2!!!
THEN...the machine ATE my dollar!!! With no merchandise received.

It went on like that all day.

Poor thing's crackin' up. And it empties faster than...*snap*.


me and Pachelbel like...oats and honey?

I'm writing variations! I'm writing variations!


something beautiful

the green caught my eyes.

enjoy. (love)
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

i wish i was six again.

who are you?

I tend to divide my day into chunks of time. 15 mins for this, 30 for that, 1 hour for this, etc...
Rarely do I factor in 1) traffic/transit, 2) drowsiness, 3) conversation, 4) the time/space continuum [sp?], or 5) the need to chill.

heh. I wonder if I might need a personal manager/chauffeur....





the phone rrrrrangeth not.

it's nice to have friends who just hang out for the sake of good company....and maybe ice cream.


even reading glasses can't help me now.

Here I am, all ready to study.


A tragic accident of sorts? No no. Just my dear brother and his friends playing FREAKIN' ROCK AND ROLL just a few thin walls away.

*sighs* Move over, Monteverdi. Rock n' roll is here to stay.

i wish i was six again.

band of many words...

I saw Theo today!!! He was riding in a fast little car that flew by me.

My heart delighted!!!

And then...I went to choir. And sang a high 'A'.

note: 2nd floor of my building...vending machine...prices are ALL set to 50 cents. It's sooo cool.


one last thought...

My sister schools/works @ twu, and she's studying a book by Don Miller with her boss/co-workers right now.
This is something Don Miller said, and julie of the edge posted it on her blog. It is over.... that way.

Here is the quotation:
"When we talk about relationships with people, we use phrases like "invest in people," "this person is priceless," or "this relationship is bankrupt." By using economic metaphor we've begun to think of love like money. There is this sense that we can't love homosexuals because that's endorsing them. So, we spout little cliches like "hate the sin, but love the sinner" but we don't actually do that. We sort of isolate ourselves from the world because we fear them, we don't understand them. I think the root of that problem is the fact that we treat love like money. We exist in this social economy where we use affection as dollars."

"...One of those issues is homosexuality. Conservatives will say, you shouldn't embrace these people or accept them in our community or let them be in leadership positions because it's a sin, and they're all pissed off. Certainly it's a sin; it's something that God probably wants to deal with people about. But homosexuality is not a sin any more than, say, gluttony is a sin. And that means we love them, we keep them in our community. If they repent about it and want to try to change, that's great. If they don't I'm not going to kick them out of our community. When science says people are born homosexuals, I would say absolutely people are born homosexuals. Satan is an unfair guy, he rules this world."

It's opening up my world...



it's like this...I'm SOO tired, and I just have a little bit of work left to do, but I'm too tired to do it. So I just keep staying awake, being more tired, and getting no work done, until I get my second wind, do the work, and then can't fall asleep. Aiiya, I tell you. AIiya.


what is it with messy hair and fame!?

My brother spent the summer at camp, and *wobbly voice* damn, he's fine!
His hair is longish, and it's this gorgeous sun-bronzed mix of brown, red, and blonde.
My hair usually looks that way too, but the lighting @ the ice house just hasn't yet duplicated the effect of the sun. Nope. Not at all. Hence, I'm pasty, and without my usual array of exciting natural (but actually natural) highlights.

My olde deckhand director walked by the store tonight, so we chatted it up for about 10 minutes. Her name's Lindsay (maybe Lindsey), and she's HILARIOUS. Or rather, together, we make much laughter and joking.
I haven't had a good laugh in sooo long. It was great.

"I could buy you a drink, I could tell you all about it, I could tell you why I doubt it, and why I still believe it..."

Ben wants the computer. And so I go. Gotta line up early early *ugh* early tomorrow morning. Why!? So I can get a locker.

Yes yes. Higher education = line-ups. But intelligent ones.




I purchased Damien Rice's "o" tonight. He's listed as "Rich, Damien O" @ Future Shop, so I thought, "OH NO!!! THEY WON'T HAVE IT!!!", because it would have been ordered under the wrong name. But then I turned around, and *bing* there it was!!!! ON the wrong shelf, but there just the sam.e
Now it is HERE, and I have been listening to it.


I was lying in bed, listening to damien, and reading Beowulf (thinking about soon brushing my teet to aid in sleeping), when I heard a KNOCKING, possibly at the window. Also possibly from my brother's room...he's crazy...witht the knocking...
it FREAKED me out!! Roger thought maybe it was Grendel (Beowulf's monster)...that didn't help.

Fear not! That's what I gotta say to myself when I go to bed.

Fear not, Melinda, the Lord is with you, He does and will protect you. Amen.

HEh...well, off to toothpaste and electric bristles.



oooooooh hungry


BUt it's 10.09PM. I'm just going to go to bed, and eat an omlette in the morning.
OH MAAAN...maybe it's just a thirsty thing. I'll drink a litre of water or something.


ANother thing: I'm exhausted! I don't think I'll be able to pull off anything later than 10pm this year. Seriously....I'm craving the sleep time.


bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils

The first day of school is over!!!
What a day it has been. Early to rise....late for piano...but it's like I never even left.
I've got homework and practicing to do, so I should get home and do it all before I fall asleep. This whole "working on the weekends" thing leaves much less time for procrastinating.
I hope you are all well.
I thought of something rather inspiring today. My theory teacher is SO different from the one I had last year. She's a small woman, long, dark hair, and very explosive and full of energy. Last year was a tall, blonde man, very reserved, very calculated. Both geniuses, but expresed in different ways.
Her class and way of teaching can to do things...FReAK me out, or challenge me to see the world, and to hear and write music, in a new way.


Truth be told...i really like school.
and Damien Rice. I must go CD shopping soon.


new beginning

As we head into another season of school and such,
Let us come before the Lord and proclaim our thanks.

My friend Brian had some solid words and pictures for me tonight. God spoke richly. I'm praying to receive what He said, and for peace. Go in the confidence that God is with you, He is your strength, and your peace.



awesome. in that God has done it.

Let us listen for the Lord’s voice, so that we can reach his place of rest.

Interesting to think about that...what would it be about hearing God's voice that would bring us to a place of rest?

Tonight was party party @ harwood's house...hooray for jo and katy being 20. I had a drop of red wine, and Ash shook my hand.

Mikael is well also, not just "not unwell"...

I was reminded tonight of what an excellent thing good friends are. Warm and fuzzy, slightly buzzed and dancing...they bring me so much joy. Like post-miracle water.

onelove. (props to aaron for that)


this too...

The Lord is our delight: come, bless his name.


Today has been an important day.
I spent time with Pat, which was excellent and enlightening. I listened to Chuck Swindoll talk about grace. I thought about this:
To let go is to fear less, and love more.

How appropriate, as it turns out. You see, my best mate, Mikael, she calls me. She has big news. But somebody else might want to wait for her to tell me. She wants to see my face. Dun dun daaa...I'm freaking out, guessing at it in my head, but not knowing...ahh!! It's all too much. Then...she tells me!

See, there's this guy...he's pretty great...she's thinking of keeping him around for a while....

YEAH! She has a boyfriend! And is a girlfriend! So sweet on SOOO many levels.

And so weird.

I'll tell you his name later, after you know. Heh.

It's strangely timed though, because earlier today, Pat and I talked a lot about relationships, and what if God's plan for us is to be single 'til we're 40, or 'til we die...scary for a 22/23 year old girl to think of, but also exciting. What a challenging life of intimacy with God that would be. Just thinking about it gives me chills. WOw. Also a lonely thought, but not so much. I've got a lot of love in my life, but when I feel absolutely complete is when I worship, or pray, or just know that I am uninhibitedly in my Father's presence. Mmhmmm.

We'll see. What I can do now, is let go of my own hopes, dreams, wants, needs...outside of Christ, and what he can provide, what do I need?

Not sex, no! Not a one night stand, just a walk by the water when I'm holding your hand...(5 points for the reference)

That's the kind of Thursday it's been. Now, 4 straight days of work, leading into 4 straight months of school. See you @ the Christmas parties.

Carry each other,


Rejoice in the Lord, always, and again, I say, Rejoice.

Interesting conversation with the manager @ work today. Ended with her being like, "I can't handle this conversation right now, I have to go!"
We were talking about religion, and whether or not truth and salvation can be relative. ie, Jesus is the right decision for me, but buddha is the right decision for someone else.
So, she ends it by walking out the door going, "If someone decides not to believe in Jesus, then they've made the right decision for their life."

Now...there's not much I can do to reply to that. Especially when the speaker is gone. But, I did continue to think about it, and came to the conclusion that relative truth is such a huge crock. It's not hard to find a situation where it all falls apart. Slavery. Rape. Murder. War, with all its complexities. Theft. Even religions which require the submission of women, by force when necessary, are enough to raise the fists of any laid back believer in relativity. How about child molestation? Destroying the life of a child is okay, because the perpetrator feels like it was the right thing to do?

I know those things are different from religious beliefs, but just hold on. It's all very trendy to be into yoga and new-age stuff over here, but have you ever seen a country, a people, or just a person who is completely under the opression of evil? All of a sudden, the worship of which/whatever god/goddess strikes your fancy just isn't cool anymore.


So much discussion pent up in my chest right now. And it bothers me when discussions turn to challenges, which I suppose isn't all that different from what I've just written. "Well, what about this!? Huh!? Don't you think this? and this? and this?..."
It's also in the attitude though.


I guess the other thing is this: don't assume that just because I'm a christian that I suddenly have all the answers. Truth be told...I don't.
