
bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils

The first day of school is over!!!
What a day it has been. Early to rise....late for piano...but it's like I never even left.
I've got homework and practicing to do, so I should get home and do it all before I fall asleep. This whole "working on the weekends" thing leaves much less time for procrastinating.
I hope you are all well.
I thought of something rather inspiring today. My theory teacher is SO different from the one I had last year. She's a small woman, long, dark hair, and very explosive and full of energy. Last year was a tall, blonde man, very reserved, very calculated. Both geniuses, but expresed in different ways.
Her class and way of teaching can to do things...FReAK me out, or challenge me to see the world, and to hear and write music, in a new way.


Truth be told...i really like school.
and Damien Rice. I must go CD shopping soon.


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