
and then.

"And then there's your girlfriend. She opens her legs and gives your life meaning; is that what you love her for?"
- pedro the lion

Ah, the modern world is a wonderful beast. Thirty-eight minutes after the broadcast of the Oscars, I can go online and find out all the juicy gossip that I missed by not being there.

One never needs to leave home to find people, places, or things to scorn. The media is happy to think for us.



"...We wander the used-up cities of cement dreams and strip-mall seductions. This is where we live. But to us who are weary and broken, the God of redemption gives the plains, and a view of the land that we have yet to claim, yet to sow, yet to reap. here there is space, and a chance, to make all things new..."

-Caedmon's Call

working hard!

And here I am, trying to write the 1500 word essay that is due on Monday. The aim is to write about a songwriter whose work I admire, and to show, by an analysis of his/her writings, that there are interesting and lasting qualities to their lyrics.

My essay will probably be way too personal, but with this teacher you never know. Last semester I got an A+ for anecdotes.

So far all I've accomplished is much procrastination.

The essay will read : in medias res and their free dvd are at fault for the non-existence of this essay.




Insomnia's a pretty bizarre thing, eh? Your body needs sleep, and yet some part of it prevents itself from getting an adequate amount.

Scene from today:
Melinda walked out of the music building, and saw her friend Paul, so she went over to say hi. As they were talking about his philosophy of religion class, Melinda saw Jo across the courtyard, and waved. Jo came over. So Jo, Melinda, and Paul were talking. Nearby were Nick (from english) and (apparently) Shannon. As Nick got up to go, Shannon said, "Have you checked out in medias res yet? Do it! Inmediasres.com. You'll be hooked. (etc, etc...)".

Both Jo and Melinda turned, and looked at Nick walking away, then at Shannon, then at each other.

"In media---they're our friends. What's going on!?"

Shannon knows Ryan via someone else, and she heard Best Kept Secret the other night, and now it's in her head all the time...

The conversation turned to imr, and being a fan of your friends.

Then the amicable quartet divided, and set off to conquer the world, one imr fan at a time.

I am still pondering what it is about imr that blows the mind of the listener. When I figure it out, I'll mix it up, and sell it to you in a bottle, so you too can be all that I wanted.


another siting

I saw him AGAIN!!!

This time in my Mus. History building.

I got 88% on my midterm; not bad for 2 days of cramming. Next time, when I study like a mofo, it'll be even better.

The listening portion was a high point, which is excellent, given that part of being a musician is listening....

Tim and Joel didn't sleep much last night. Neither did Georgi. I ate lunch with them, and we sang together.

Maybe that's why today's been great...

Day 2 of the Curves diet plan...good times. I'm hungry for BREAD!!!

...Mmmm...bread...and butter...and cheese....mmmM...
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

What a great day.

I'm not sure why, though.


last night the Brits were on.

Music to listen to more of:
The Music
The Thrills
Jamie Cullum
Anne Winehouse
Groove Armada
Damien Rice

That is all for now.


it's one of those days...

The sun is shining!
The air is crisp and cool!


That's right kids. It's day 1 of reading break. I slept in, I ate lunch with Ben, I went for a walk/run, I stretched.

Now I'm going to go dive into the world of music: practicing, reading, writing...

Yeegads!!! What fun!



Guess who I saw today!?


no, not him.

Justin?! Yeah right! He lives in another world...waaaay far away from the music building. Try again.

Dylan? Yeah, only for a sec.

Jo? Sadly, no.

Umm...okay, you aren't really very good at th--


Sir Wax-a-lot!!! I saw him again. I think his name is Samir.
I hope I don't ever have to talk to him. High school was yucky. He wasn't really, just the whole experience. UNLESS he happens to see me, and is like, "Woah!!! You look SO GOOD!!!" or "woah!! You sing so good!!".

That'd be a'ight.

i am slowly...reading license plates.

The chord sitings for today are:
957 = 257 = V chord in 2nd inversion.
357 = iii chord in root position.
853= 135 = I chord in root position.
ACG = A7 (technically am7 b/c of natural C) with an omitted 5th.
173 = 137 = I7 chord with an omitted fifth.
946 = 246 = ii chord in root position.
4527 = V7 chord in 3rd inversion.
151 = IVI = the foundational chord progression of western music.

I was testing my short term memory on the way home. I remembered the first 4, then I had to write them down when I found the other 4. I was tired, after all.


license plate: 316 = vi chord in 2nd inversion.

why I am crazy

license plate: 683 = vi chord in root position.


Bet that post felt unresolved, hey?

Not unlike a tritone....left open...hanging...scorching your inner ear equilibrium like a hot poker, tempting you with it's ringing dissonances...

he's here!

There was this guy I graduated from high school with, and the only things I remember about him are 1) he liked a friend of mine, and 2) he waxed his eyebrows.

the waxing was a little odd.

Last week, I was pretty sure I saw him, but I thought, "naaah...why would he be here @ school?"

Then, today, in a flash of well groomed facial hair, I knew I'd been right. Once again, "Waxy" and I go to the same school.



so, my brother is taller than me, his hair is thicker, and he's waaay better @ playing the bass.

and now, he has a girlfriend, and i am still single.

well, at least i know ALL about gregorian chant.



i came here to blog.

did you know that i have a title for each post, but for whatever reason (probably an html related one) they don't show up on the blog?

tonight i heard my brother play in the BCMEA (british columbia music educator's association) honour orchestra.

they were pretty good. especially the bass players :)

Umm...so, Valentines' Day. woot!
I'm...going out for dinner with Mikael...because...we like indian food. So we're gonna go get some of it. So if any of you want to come do that with us, just let me know. Especially if you are boys. Especially if you are boys who look like elves aka Legolas. But menfolk will do too.



HILARITY: a return.


slowly but surely i am processing and synthesizing all that i've heard about ancient and medieval music.

really slowly.

my midterm is on tuesday.

but i do know this:
troping was the practice of adding either music, words, or words and music onto existing chants.
the countil of Trent (in 1312?) ummm...not outlawed, but something like that...all tropes except 4.
one of those 4 is dies irae, part of the requiem.

see? slowly...but...surely.




this is a very, very big deal. it could mean very, very good things.

like: gym in the am, awake all day to work/study/learn, and a healthier, happier me.



decision time.

Okay, here's the deal.

It's time iether to sleep or study.

benefits of sleeping: i'll be alert when i study.

benefits of studying: i won't "waste" time sleeping, but my time will be poorly used, because studying takes me waaaay longer when i'm half asleep.

okay, to sleep it is.

it's just more efficient!

so don't mention it.

This week, if you have a show, I probably won't come to hear it.
If you're having a party, I won't likely be there.
If you're going out for drinks/dinner/good times, there's a good chance I won't be there.
I probably won't have seen the new episodes of anything.

Midterms are coming, and I'm several chapters behind in everything.
This is a week for discipline, study and sleep. And maybe the odd posting to let you know whether or not I'll ever be out again.

Here comes the sun, do do do do...

see you later.


I just took a personality quiz. I got 34.

The midget quiz master/farmers told me this means that:
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

What is yours?
quiz by midgetfarm.com
what are heavy?
sea sand and sorrow.
what are brief?
today and tomorrow
what are frail?
spring blossoms and youth
what are deep?
the ocean and truth.


I've been singing those words (as arranged by John Washburn) ALL WEEKEND!
Yes, that's right. The CapSingers hit up Vancouver Island for 4 days of fun, frivolity, music and hang overs.

OH goodness. What a rowdy, loveable bunch my choir mates be.

In avoidance of partying, I: hung out with Tim, watched Fresh Prince of Bel Air, slept, watched Old School (blech) and Pay It Forward (yes! I cried), and then slept. That was over 4 nights..

Goodness, I'm so tired and cold that my hands are numb.

(to Humpy: sorry for the lack of entertainment. I'll return to hilarity soon.)


praise the Lord, oh my soul

I feel your breath on my lips.
I see your beauty in a gentle mist.

How can I expect anything less?
You're the picture of loveliness.

Now your mercy is racing over me. I wish it Godspeed.

How great, how good, how awesome is your love.
How deep, how far, how vast is the sum of all you are.

How long, how much, how come you keep giving me, and giving me your love?
music can change your life. it can change the way you see the world.

so true.

i see chords spelled out in license plates.

for instance, this morning a plate read "2441". That's a ii7 chord in root position, with a doubled 3rd and omitted 5th.

life changing, i tell you. music is life changing.


*something is amiss*

hey folks.
i'm in the library here @ school, and my fingernails are blue (and not, may i say, because of nail polish).
no no, the reason for my tinted digits is this: IT IS FREEZING IN HERE!!!

I've been upstairs reading for 2 hours (my music history book takes some serious slogging through), and now...I feel as if I may die soon.

Or frrreeeze.

Seriously, my hands are shaking...I can hardly type...

what the heck. I'm outta here. Out to the warm tropical breezes of winter vancouver...outside.