
a beautiful letdown

We can't write people off just because they don't "know" Christ.  It is often those who haven't been taught how to think about God who think, speak, feel and live him the most profoundly.  At times, it is the burden of theology, exegeting and hermeneuting, which keeps us from true intimacy, and simple truths.
We can say that God works in mysterious ways, as long as those ways don't include too much wine and cigarettes, dirt and skateshops, mess and ugliness.  There is richness in a life lived in the chaos of grace, and a wealth in amongst the potholes of a difficult road.  That's where the view is the best--when you come to the right spot in a valley, where you can see the sunrise, and realize that your eyes may be the first to see this part of evaporating night.
Maybe there is more redemption in a sunrise than in seeing eyes.
We take too much credit for building and deciphering this mystery.  Really, it is the truth being revealed to us, little by little.  Through a tattoo, or a spoken word, a prophet or a manic street preacher, a parmedic or a concrete pourer--he can speak and appear anywhere, in and through anyone.  For his purposes cannot be cut off, or his voice and power silenced.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there IS freedom.  Relax and be relieved that you don't have to worry about where that is.

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