
best day ever

Life can be a little bit messy sometimes, like my desk. A MESS! But once in a while a day comes along that is just perfect.
Like today, for example.
Breakfast with Jenny B, which was so sweet. Then as I got ready to go to school, Shannon called...it was going to be impossible to get into North Van, so we went for a 2 hour walk & talk in English Bay!
Then I bought pants and came home.

That doesn't really express the goodness of the day though. It was sweet, and crisp, and bright, and everything excellent about fall. I think I appreciated it more because I'm so busy most of the time. The occasion to just enjoy a day and time with a good friend is so rare, and when it came...hallelujah!

Well. The goodness now extends into an evening of reading. wooted. No Wonder Years for me after all.
Maybe it's all for the best.

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