
weak in the...blabhablablabahbb.

I went shopping yesterday. Last minute Christmas stuff, you know the drill. While at Sears, I stopped at the perfume counter to try something I saw in a magazine, "Armani Mania". I thought this could be the perfume that would be known as my scent!
Half an hour after putting some on, I was sneezing with the force of a tornado, and all evening I was getting sicker and sicker.
This morning I was awakened by a burning sensation in my throat each time I swallowed.
I got up for work, feeling weak and pathetic. I still feel that way. Somehow I made it through my shift, and then a trip to north van.

I'm okay as long as I don't try and stand up or move.

Merry Christmas.

PS...my house smells like gingerbread. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

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