
from a book i'm reading. mmhmm.

Music is the art of time, pure temporality abstracted from word or concept.
Time as experienced by God and only guessed at by man - rhythm and cadence, variable and pliant as air.
Music is what you hear whenever you really listen.
It can be as rapid as an infant's heartbeart or as slow as the earth's crst wearing away. And music is the art that stops time.
Playing music, you are too far inside time to measure it; caught in the vortices of sound, you cannot fathom whether one hour has passed or two.
You are only playing towards, not from - towards the unattainable, the ideal performance.
And after that performance what else can there be but silence?
Music is the art that seeks its own extinction.


Erin said...

What's the book?

Melinda said...

'the violin lover' by susan glickman.

Anonymous said...

hurry up and blog already