
2 stories.

1) the other day I was at work, and one of our guests (ie. customers) had taken off her black lulu zip-up to try on another, and she misplaced hers in the process. We looked for it, but couldn't find it, and so she left the store without her zip-up. TEN MINUTES LATER...superstar Steph found the zip-up, and I ran out the door, into the busy Robson street stream of shoppers, looking for our mystery shopper in order to return her zip-up. Acting on instinct (as she'd had 2 children with her) I ran into Gap Kids, found her children, and returned the zip-up to them.

My reward? Props from my floor manager, a chocolate almond bar, and a box of crackers.

2) Last night (Friday) I watched this documentary, about a militant student organization that was active in the 60's and 70's. It was intense, intelligent, intriguing, and sickening. The film looked at the history of the group, its activities, and the current lives of the former members.
There's a little scene of an orgy (maybe fast forward through that, or just listen to the voice over -- it describes the feeling of utter anonymity and disconnectedness that came from this 'sexual freedom'), so heed that warning before you watch it -- but if a sense of horror or helplessness overcomes you when you hear about the things western governments and corporations perpetrate across the third world, or if you desire to understand why extreme protests happen...watch this film.



Anonymous said...

Hi Melinda, I talked to you a long time ago about a song...I'm a worship leader in Atlanta and heard a song a long time ago that I couldn't get out of my head...thought of looking for it again and Lo and Behold, your site is *still* the only web site online that has the lyrics! Is there any way you can scrounge up who this is...I'm so desperate to find out who it is and just can't find anything. My email is transparency_76 (at) hotmail.com. It was from your post on 4-2-04, and the lyrics are:

I feel your breath on my lips.
I see your beauty in a gentle mist.

How can I expect anything less?
You're the picture of loveliness.

Now your mercy is racing over me. I wish it Godspeed.

How great, how good, how awesome is your love.
How deep, how far, how vast is the sum of all you are.

How long, how much, how come you keep giving me, and giving me your love?

Melinda said...

hey hey! I remember you.
And I also love that song. Maybe what I'll see if I can do is somehow record it and send it to you in an mp3 with the chords and everything...because I have absolutely no idea who its by.
