
icy bikes and white tea.

deanna and i had planned to drive to school together today, but alas, we both awoke to shower at 8am, and she beat me to it. i had breakfast and made lunch while she steamed herself awake, and by the time i was squeaky clean and wrapped in a towel, she was ready to go.


i rode my bike to school.

'but melinda', you ask, ' wasn't it minus something icky overnight?'

why yes it was. which is why i scraped the ice off my seat before i hopped on and pedalled my way to academic glory.

thinking ahead, i packed my travel mug and a bag of white tea in with my lunch. and so i sit, enjoying the warmth of slightly over-steeped white tea, as i laugh at my often ridiculous albertan existence.

here's to icy bike seats and white tea mornings.



Skakes said...

you are too awesome. haha! I feel bad for your bottom but happy for your mouth. I hope tomorrow morming is a better experience for you!

Melinda said...

aand how!
crystal jury is picking me up b4 school so i can use her car to do stuff.