
Scenes from daycare keep replaying in my mind, some funny, some sad, some touching--but in hindsight most of them are funny.
Such as....
Kitchen scene 6.
Melinda is putting muffins on the cooling rack in the kitchen. These muffins have strawberry jam baked into them. But because there wasn't enough batter, the strawberry jam is sort of EVERYWHERE.
Enter Timothy.
"Ewww!!! Is that blood!? Did you made blood muffins!? Eww..."
Exits kitchen, as Melinda replies,
"No Timothy. Not blood. Just strawberry blood."
Enter Urdem.
"They're spreading rumours about you, you know."
Exits kitchen.
At this point, Melinda wonders what is going on...
Julianne enters kitchen.
"(pointing out the door behind her, and looking rather concerned), Timothy says you put blood in the muffins...is there real blood in them?"
"No honey, it's just strawberry jam.".
"(while exiting kitchen) See Timothy, I told you..."
The argumentative chatter of the children clouds Melinda's brain as she ponders this latest incident.
"Blood muffins!? Whatthestink!?"


This one has had me on the floor laughing with tears all night. Well, most of the night. Mind you, I'm so tired I can hardly keep my eyes ope...


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