here's what I'm doing today:
working @ the Keats office, 9-5.
I haven't had a job like this in a long time.
It's kinda fun. Except I only slept for about 4 hours (woke up late, but still managed to get here on time, and I don't look too shabby), so my eyes are throbbing. Maybe I'll throw on the reading glasses. I don't know if that helps much, but the eyes are less throbby. It's weird though. I can see around the rims of the glasses, so it's like a magnifying glass moving in front of me...kind of disorienting.
I'm listening to waterdeep's "enter the worship circle", 2nd circle. GOod stuff.
I think I was more into worship music on my dts. I was more into worship period. All day everday, that was my state of mind. Not so anymore. That's sad, I think. I guess being in full time ministry is kind of like heaven, except on earth. Or maybe not like heaven, but...
hmm...where was I going with this.
When your work and personal life are wrapped into one, and all of it is explicitly connected to God, it's a really beautiful place to be in, because everything is worship.
Or that was my experience of six months.
Incidentally, I don't know if these glasses are helping at all. Oh well.
Okay, moving on, what was I saying? Oh right, worship. Here's something Dave Ward told me:
"In the ywam times, you're being fed, and you're on the mountaintop and it's awesome. But you can't stay there. It's in the times away from there that it all becomes real, and you faith matures."
It was something like that, and it really made sense to me.
I'm working @ my friend Katrina's desk, and that's fun. She's such a colourful, vibrant, holy woman. I love her to bits. She adds a brightness everywhere she goes.
Sadly, she's going back to Townsville soon. It makes me sad, obviously it's good for her though.
I wish I could go back too. That would be fun.
maybe ya'll can start a fund for me, a "send melinda back to townsville for some time of relaxation and renewal" fund.
It could happen...
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