
anxiety hinders search for true romantic love.

I read an article in the Richmond News today -- something I rarely do, because it's mostly a crappy paper, but this one was interesting.

Dr. Terry Estrin was writing about people my age who want to be married, and how we shouldn't stress about it!

Here are his tips:
- expect emotional discomfort.
- relax.
- take chances.
- be selective.
- consider your own needs.
- trust your instincts.

He expanded on all those things, but I'll let you find all that out for yourselves.

WOODSONG...was great. Really good time with good friends, for whom I am very thankful. Rosie Thomas made me cry, and the imr boys are in good form, sounding and looking and putting out good vibes better than ever.

[images to come. uploading is taking too long. grr dialup].

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