I haven't been running regularily for about 2 weeks now. I had a cold, some bronchial issues...oy vey, it just couldn't be done.
TONIGHT, I decided, was the night I would re-gain the ground once lost to minor cold symptoms. Ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
I started out around 9.30pm (after much earnest procrastination), and it didn't look good. 2 minutes in, I thought, "aiiiiiiiiiya....maybe I SHOULD just give up and gain 300 pounds...", but instead, I kept running.
I completed the 8 min run, and found a neighborhood street route in the process. I was going to head home, but I thought, "hey, let's try the next 8 min...or maybe just 5."
So, I took my 1 min walking break, then began to run again. And I ran. and ran. and ran some more. My legs started kicking into "autorun", where they just went...and went...and finished the second 8 min run!
I couldn't believe it! I ran the last minute gasping and praising God. Faithfulness...I love it. Encourages me to trust in all the other things I'm so close to giving up on.
To bed. One thing I always perservere in...sleeping.
[ h e a r t ]
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