

I went tanning today...for one of the last times. I used this accelerator cream that totally makes your skin burn and turn red...heh...healthy?


When I got to the tanning place, there were 2 guys waiting. I assumed they were waiting for girlfriends, and one of them was. One was totally waiting for another guy though...apparently it was "boys' tanning night out"...I laughed inside my head.

While I was waiting this couple came out looking TOTALLY lobster'd. I think they got the same deal as me...the regular brings a newbie, and you both tan free for a week. Thing is, I didn't go everday...no good for the un-sunned skin. But I think those 2 have been just soaking up the fake rays...and they look it.

Anyway....shout out to malcolm and frequency fall. And what the heck, shout out to second too. I haven't been to a show in sooooooo long...but I went to one tonight.

Okay, random post...I'm tired and hungry, but no eating, just bed. Mmm...bed.

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