
stream of (un)consciousness.

Here's what I remember from my dreams just before I woke up:

I'm in shopper's drugmart, I want to buy this japanese-style tea set, and it's cheap so I will but then it's gone and the guy buying it is having to pay $72 so I guess it's alright. I leave the store, but I'm leaving Super Sam's, and Shopper's is over by the Duke (a bar), which is more normal...
I'm at asap practice, and James is leading, but it's at udac (a church here, and it's going well, so we break for dinner, and I head out with Earl (? I think), and I don't want to go to dairy squeen, and then I'm back in shopper's for the tea-set sequence...
I head back to asap and I'm late! The prayer time is going, so I'm heading that way...I don't recognize the greeters at the door, but then there's Matthew wearing a dark grey army sweater, and he doesn't normally go to asap but he gives me a hug which feels like everything I hoped for in coming home. I just stay there and don't go to the prayer time instead I go upstairs, which turns into a shadow of my room here, and I go back to bed because I'm tired (this is where I'm semi-conscious), so I'm sleeping, then I get a phone call (my alarm going off), and it's this girl (who turns out to be a girl named Joanna from here) saying she's downstairs playing my Taylor on the worship team, and she's scratched it, and she can't even play at all, so I scream for her to put it down, and I get up to run down there, but I'm just wearing pajamas so I have to get changed, but I'm so tired and sluggish, I can't.
I get downstairs and take my guitar back, but it's not a Taylor, and it's not my Taylor, it's a...Fender dreadnought, actually. Maybe not a fender, but anyway, I start playing, or try to, it's hard to plug in because all the plugs are in weird places. James is telling me to hurry or something, but it's not him because he's in Australia...
The powerpoint is smoking so something's wrong and somebody calls my name, and I wonder if it's Matthew but I can't see him, then I see Jon Bentall, but he's on his cellphone trying to call the guy to fix the powerpoint...

THEN I got out of bed (for real) a decided to blog about my bizarre dream, which I will call...."home and back again but not really because nothing was as it usually is."

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