this is...blogger beta.
it may change our lives.
i can't figure out how to put a picture of me over on the side...but we'll work it out.
late night ponderings, mid-day wonderings, early morning epiphanies. quotations, song lyrics, inside jokes...a small window into my life, and why it is worth living. though being six again would be grand.
I can't figure out why I'm not on your blog crew list. huh, Huh, HUH!
hahahahaha....just kidding. You know I love ya, girl. (that's a line from a country song and that means its sincere).
word to the country song.
i forgot if you were "singing_from_my_soul" or "singingfrommysoul" and at the moment, I was too lazy to look it up.
but I love ya, sista.
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