

Today, I woke up sooo sick! My sinuses weighed a ton, my stomach was rolling with nausea, I was ready to gag.
I stood up, out of bed.
I was suddenly dizzy, nauseous and cold. My every muscle felt weak, and I swear I was shaking.
I stumbled upstairs. Got dressed et al. Tried to cancel my shift @ work (ymca daycare), but had no way to reach the other staff.
I threw up. I felt like I was about to die. I wondered what deadly virus was wreaking havoc on me. I went to work.
I sat in a chair for three hours, trying not to breathe on the children.
I went to the sound of music (our final rehearsal, we open tomorrow).
It was just a bad day to be sick. When I should have been home in bed, I was @ daycare, and then onstage...
Now I am going to bed. I hope I feel better in the morning.

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