
where the Spirit of the Lord is...

What a strange end to a wonderful week.
My car's been broken into...wallet, purse, sleepover bag, discman, cell phone (so don't call it), CD's....gone.
most heart breaking: my Bible. I really like it.
2nd most heart breaking: my journal. a really turbulent, blessed year. And some wonderful words of encouragement from all of you. : )
3rd most heart breaking: new jason upton CD. beautiful music. i wanted to fall asleep to it tonight.

most financially butt kicking things: retainers & splint.

lots of work to cancel/recover: cell phone, bank and credit cards, birth certificate, SIN, driver's license, student card, other membership cards.

what i'm thankful for: the angels God has commanded to protect and minister to me. Lord, can I hear them sing tonight as I sleep? That would be so wonderful.

To be thankful for: Anna, and the 2 hours we spent praying together.
- my car is not gone.
- i am not hurt.
- God is still God. And He loves me.
- this happened at a time when I am so freshly covered in the annointing of the Holy Spirit. It is here, so near to God, that this attack can't touch me. Thank you, Abba, for your covering, your grace, your infinite love.

I love you Lord,
and I lift my voice to worship you,
O my soul, REJOICE!!!
Take JOY my King, in what you hear!
May it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear.


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