
lighter fare.

I'm at school, using the free computers. They're all stand-up email stations, so no nice sitting break like at Cap.

This morning, my bus was like...6 minutes early, I clearly was not yet at the stop, so I had to walk to school.
No biggie, it just meant I had to book it in order to be on time. I arrived at my 9.30am voice lesson @ 9.32am. NOT BAD!

[Walking here is hella exercise, because you aren't just walking, you're also (more often than not) fighting against a crazy wind....today the wind was 50 (knots, I assume?) gusting at 70. I don't really know what that means, so...yeah.]

THEN I went back home, made a sweet omlette (seriously, if I wrote about it, you'd want to come visit, just so I can make you food).

THEN I went back to school. For Sociology 1000. And also for voice masterclass no.3 or possibly no.4...I forget.

Great day, just going to go read for sociology. Working on theory with "jim" later -- watch for a post of celebration after I talk to him about...well, you know.

Here's to mountain fresh water and sunny days --

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