
it's been a weird day, yo.

I totally slept through church this morning. My alarm went off in time to catch the 9.20 bus, then again in time to catch the 10.00 bus...but I just wasn't into it.

Is that weird?

At home, I ususally feel guilty (or convicted) when I think about sleeping through church -- maybe it's because my whole family is there...

Anyway, I was pretty ok with it today. Except that I think I was supposed to go over tomorrow's worship songs with MA and Mel -- *sighs*.

The heretic within me grows...

I've had a couple mini-'lectures' this week from people who think I should be at certain prayer or worship gatherings more often. It kind of bugs me because these particular people haven't taken a whole lot of time to try and know who I am, in matters of faith or otherwise, so their rebukes or lectures or assumptions and expectations are sort of empty -- no ground to stand on.

In addition to that, I'm reading this book for sociology of religion called: Acts of Faith: explaining the human side of religion.

Now, the cool thing about this book is that the authors recognize that God (or god) could very well exist, while previous sociologists of religion went from the assumption that God (of god) does not exist, so all religious people are irrational.
The hard thing about it is reading the scientific observations made of religious groups...it has me questioning the necessity or purpose of the formality of the Church organization...that part of the whole christian culture is very human.

I've got a paper due tuesday, 8-10 pages, about chapter 6 of the book: Religious Group Dynamics.
It's supposed to be a research paper, but I haven't read any of the author's sources yet...so the rest of today will be spent at the library.

Like I said, it's been a weird day, yo.


Tony said...

I have often thought about the structure of the church, espcially my own which as you saw has a lot of very human ritual. Shiny things, sitting and standing, kneeling, bowing, large books, long robes, bells, smoke, men with fake british accents. Hmmm also sounds Monty Python. It all gets very surreal after a while.

Melinda said...

the fake british accents were bizarre! i don't know what that's about...perhaps a hidden monty python plot?