
Part 5, Feb.21, 2007. The Conclusion!

On Wednesday, Feb.21, I had my final lesson with Cornelius, and then took a cab (grumpy driver and broken credit card machine included) to LaGuardia airport.

The lesson was fantastic, almost magical (that's a shout-out to Jayda, because she says "magical" a lot). Cornelius got me to a beautiful high 'A', and it was really good to be able to sing with him again, while feeling a little more relaxed.

(The unfortunate part of the lesson was this: Tony's recording device was set up wrong, so we weren't able to get the lesson on mini-disc. It would have been cool to be able to listen to that lesson again, but it was also cool to just appreciate an experience in the moment, not disregarding any of it, thinking I could listen to it later).

When it came to getting to LaGuardia, I had a plan that involved the C train, and the M60, but I decided to take a cab instead. Thaaat was good times. The cabbie was sort of grumpy, and I ended up being so early for my flight, that I got bored and took a lot of pictures -- for you happy blogreaders to enjoy.

One last note/travel tip: I didn't have any cash to pay for the ride (because I thought I could pay with VISA), and the cabbie was NOT happy with me. Always carry enough cash to pay for a cabin New York.

Ok, here's the pics. Enjoy!

Now, some night shots:

(and this brings my NY trip blog post series to a close).


Tony said...

Yeah its done. I am going to Texas in April to listen to the 600 recordings of CR lessons. Wanna come? Oh well. . uh ok. . . right . . .

Melinda said...

600 recordings?
April? exams? hahaa...

i need to get a grant for all these CR related journeys.