
waking life?

I saw part of Waking Life tonight.
A great movie...one that I must watch several times more, if only to catch with some degree of comprehension the dialogue...

It's all sort of rambling, and yet making sense; the kind of discussion I think I can have...it's certainly what goes on in my head...everything disjointed, but abstractly connected. The jumble that happens when the thoughts zinging around inside your head make their way out in an excited heap of brainpower and wonder.

We're all sort of stuck, figuring out this race as we go along. We know how to run, but the ground is always changing: mud, grass, cement, loose dirt, dry dirt, spongy undergrowth, sand...sometimes, even water is found underfoot.

Man. I don't know if this could be any of you out there, but I've always wanted a friend I could just call at anytime: day/night/inbetween, and just talk. More pointedly, have conversation. Or just company. Like TV best friends, who come into each other's rooms via the window, and talk about everything...

I dunno. I got the ice cream shop job. And a nice pair of shin splints to go along with it!


to bed now, I must retire. Read 'the outsiders' again, or for the first time. It's got some golden moments.

much love,

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