

no words.

My friend Jon and I were out in Coquitlam once, and we drove past this guy's farm.

We both got so nauseous, we had to book it and fast.

For me, though, it was more than nausea, more than a sick feeling, knowing what had happened to so many women only feet away from where I was. I felt sick in my spirit. So deep, so deeply repulsed.

And then to think, that my Jesus, my saviour, my Lord -- he died for this man, too.

It's a silence...


dee looks good on fridays.


so that's mary-ann (ma) and her rad brother mark. yep. she has curly hair and in this picture it's straight...

just to clear things up.

ok, so i'm in edmonton at the 'break forth canada' worship/ministry conference.

i heard tim hughes, graham kendrick, andy park and....another guy speak today. about worship. it was pretty awesome. and tim hughes has a sweet accent.

Um, so mary-ann.

pretty much, she's rad. back in the fall, we had some groundbreaking conversations -- i'd say she's the person in lethbridge who knows the 'most' about me in a lot of ways. that was a huuge blessing, finding a friend like that.

in december, she emailed me and asked if i'd be interested in the prayer coordinator position with ivcf -- something i'd thought about anyway.

it's hard to know what to tell you about mary-ann. she's is a beautiful, passionate woman who inspires and spurs me on in my relationship with God. she's hilarious, with an infectious laugh that pulls me in everytime.

she's a friend for stars, tea, walks, accountability...she listens to my fiery frustrations and passionate visions.

aiiya. and she can sing.

mary-ann is just one more piece of life in lethbridge that makes it amazing.

and her brother mark is pretty sweet too.



There is almost always a cosmo at my house. The magazine that is, an issue of it. At my house. Always.

I realized something about it yesterday -- it's pretty much porn for girls.
Within its pages you can find a description of how to do (and how you *ahem* should be doing) just about everything and anything related to SEX. Not only that, but it also teaches you how to be...a consumer, in every way possible.

Kind of makes me feel sick. It's the same kind of trap that men fall into with regular porn, but I think it twists women in a different way. Not only that, but it also...how to put this...it really cheapens sex. When reading cosmo, it becomes so obvious that sex is pleasure, and the more for you, the better. It's not about love...if you can have a hot one-night-stand, then go for it.

the subjective objectification of women. or something.

Like I said, cosmo is porn for girls. And in that sense, the addiction to it is just as destructive as any man's addiction to porn.

mel out.


starting over.

honestly, south beach wasn't going so good.

one day, i swear i ate a whole chicken's worth of chicken.

i still ate chocolate (damn roomies...).

and then...this weekend -- the opposite of carb free. i mean, we arrive to a bernard callebaut chocolate fountain.


at that point, Dee said, "Ok Linna....what are you gonna do."

i was like "uh...chocolate fountain...and tomorrow will probably be something carb-o-licious for breakfast, lunch and dinner....i will start again on monday."

so, that's what i'm gonna do.

monday january 23-monday february 6, 2006, i will be doing phase 1 of the south beach diet.

end of post.



and also...iatecake.

better than a swingline.

"Even in peacetime I think those are very wrong who say that schoolboys should be encouraged to read newspapers. Nearly all that a boy reads there in his teens will be known before he is twenty to have been false in emphasis and interpretation, if not in fact as well, and most of it will have lost all importance. Most of what he remembers he will therefore have to unlearn; and he will probably have acquired an incurable taste for vulgarity and sensationalism and the fatal habit of fluttering from paragraph to paragraph to learn how an acress has been divorced in California, a train derailed in France, and quadruplets bork in New Zealand."

-- C.S. Lewis, surprised by joy.


Another Minna?! What the.....

Hello all in the wonderful world of Melinda's blog!

This is the before mentioned fantastic neighbor friend of Ms. Appenheimer here to report a rather bizarre story. It took place in my anthropology class this morning and goes like this:

Teacher: "Does anyone have a story about words they used to attach to people when they were young....anything."

Student: "Yeah...my sister's name is Melinda and I couldn't say that when I was a kid so I just called her Min or Minna instead."

Deanna: *Jaw dropped* (in her head) "But that's what MY friend Melinda was called. You can't have it! No you can't!!"

As you can tell, I was quite shocked, but very intrigued at the thought that Melinda was probably being called Minna around the same time this girl's sister was too just somewhere else in the world. How bizarre!

Never change Linna! (HA! no one can take that nickname cause I made it up when she moved to Lethbridge! I know...I'm a genius)

Dee is Over and OUT
(that's me in the picture)

le beach south.

I've been "on" the South Beach Diet for a week or more..heh, but not so much.


Skakes is holding me to it (and the lovely Julie Cerantola knows I'm on it), and I was just reminded that everyday is a new day.

So here it is.

I ate my favourite ichiban noodles just now, and that's it. Tomorrow morning -- new day, new resolve. I will just do this one day at a time.



it's pretty much -1 today, but with windchill, i'd throw it down to a -7 or -10.


what th----

it snowed.

i dyed my hair purple.
at 2am.

the two are not connected...or are they?



my friend ryan often asks if i have any tips.

today i found some tips. tips about working out.

here they are:

Some Tips To Remember

1. The more you go the more confident you will get
2. You will start to see results in three weeks if you go three times a week
3. Don't use scarily high fees as your spur to get you going ? choose a gym that feels right for you and pay as you go if you can
4. Be prepared to build up your fitness levels slowly
5. Remember people aren't looking at you ? they're too interested in getting through their own routines
6. Try to vary your workout ? some weights, some power walking, rowing, stretching
7. Try to go with a friend or join a class where you can make new ones
8. Find out if they do women or men-only days if that helps
9. Don't eat for an hour before you go
10. Drink lots of water

There it is.


i wish we spoke german.

I'm taking this class...a music history class...about Lieder, which is, essentially, german art song.


It really is beautiful stuff, even with a bare, bare, bare minimum of understanding of the language.

Take this, by Goethe (poet).

Uber allen Gipfeln
ist Ruh,
In allen Wipfeln
Spurest du
Kaum einen Hauch;
Die Vogelein schweigen in Walde.
Warte nur, balde
Ruhest du auch.

A poor translation:

Over all the mountains
is rest,
in all the treetops
you sense
scarcely a breath;
the birds fall still in the wood.
just wait, soon
you too shall rest.

Half the beauty of the poem is in the sound of the german (not nearly as gutteral and you'd think). The german word for peace, Ruh, is so peaceful sounding. Almost like 'roo-uh', but better.


Also today, a watermain burst, and there was no water for me to shower, so I went to the gym @ school, worked out, then showered.

That's more or less all for now.

so. peace out.


here he is.

this is ben. sometime in his first year, trying to crawl on our parents' bed.


this is it. 5 weird this about me. me.

Alright, as tagged by my dear friend Skakes (cuz I don't know how she spells her first name, although I think it's Lindsey), I will make a list of 5 weird things about myself.


1. the only "boyfriend" I've ever had lasted about 16 hours...and a few years later, he was gay. still is. so...

2. I get an allergy shot (like a vaccination of sorts) every 2 weeks. I've been doing this for about 10 years now.


3. I...just changed my mind of the one I was going to say. Hang on...

3. At home, I sleep with a plush-IKEA-duck. it's not because I'm lonely, but because my arms feel weird when I lie on my side (to sleep). my arms also feel weird when I'm just sitting, but it seems not entirely appropriate to carry the duck around ALL the time.


4. when I go to sleep at night, the room must be in COMPLETE darkness. during the day, it doesn't matter, I can nap wherevs. but at night-time...

5. I'm hella allergic to cats. except for one cat. I met him in the Cook Islands in May 2002. he used to sleep on my bed (fair enough, it was a mat on the floor), and I always got mad, but then...the little guy kinda grew on me. and as it turned out, all my protesting about being allergic was NO DEAL.

SO those things aren't too weird? But...hey..there ya go.

WEIRD COINCIDENCE...last year, @ school, I had one heckuva crush on this guy Aaron. Well...in the end, it ended. Hadn't talked to him in months, until I saw him, playing bass, at the New Year's Worship Invasion. We talked. A-ok. Closure, even.

LITTLE DID I KNOW...MA, Skakes, JonJon, Lucas Stone, and Robyn...Robin..., anyway, they came back from NSLC (that's all who went, right?), and they'd met Aaron's brother TIM from IVCF UVic. They also met Paddy or Patty, who I met, in Victoria, when I was with Luke Stones, hanging out post-Brennan Manning (and also earlier in the day, for a picnic of cake ala Andrew Dean), the VERY SAME DAY I first saw stars and Aaron in the same gaze (NO HEAD INJURY INVOLVED).




i am exhausted, and i don't know why. with sleeping in, i slept for 10 hours this past night.




take that, insomnia!

In the early hours of January 9, 2006, I studied the changing face of my digital clock for FIVE HOURS!!! 5!!!!


5.30 this morning, I think I fell asleep.

Woke up @ 11.36am, fully having slept through my first, and only, class of the day.


When I finally got up, I ate, read most of Nehemiah, then headed off to school.

Stopped by Tony's office, picked up some music for this semester, and my jury sheets (ie. evaluations of my voice final). REALLY GOOD COMMENTS. I was so encouraged by what the jurors had to say. WOW.

And Tony said: A professional career in singing is possible with dedicated work.



In Between Dreams.

Remember all that stuff about going for a run this morning?


First of all, I totally turned off my alarms and slept 'til 12.50pm.


Secondly, it's snowing! Which means it's well below zero, which means that I'm not going to run!


On another note, I haven't had an allergy shot since November 8, and I'm supposed to get them every 2 weeks.



If I could have, I would have spent my day on a beach like this.

INSTEAD...I got up, went to school (one class), then came home.
On the no.11 bus. It's new ... only 5 mins home instead of 25! Heeeey! Well, 10 min, with walking. Still...better.

Then I napped!

Then I got up!

I watched TV.

I made dinner.

I showered.

I ate dinner.

More TV.

Pretty much, a house-junkie day. That's okay, I guess. I gotta sleep it up soon, so I can get up and run tomorrow.



words of farewell.

"have a nice flight. read and listen to nice things in your ears!"

- matthew mcdaniel


elisa slept on the bunk above me for 6 months in australia.


elisa micheli, dts roomie, cool girl. This isn't a picture of her...I can't find my digital picture cd's (containing some of her). OH well.

living in NZ, sent me an email, this quotation..

“Just once we pass this way –
therefore, let's attempt something so great...
so imaginative... so demanding...
that when it has been accomplished,
all will know it could not have been done
without the aid and blessing of the Almighty God!"

word up, peace out, hollaback, shizzle.

new year indeed.

hello one, hello all.


Wow. I rang in the new year with some very good friends by my side. No matter what's happening on a given new year's eve/day, when I end up @ worship invasion, I am so thankful to be there. It's just...perfect. The conversations and run-ins and catching up seem so ordained. The stuff that Ed spoke about last night was BANG, straight into everything I've been struggling with. The worship was real. Bass-boy (remember him?) was playing bass, so we talked after.

THE WORD WAS...talking about 'being conformed by the renewing of your mind.'

Just what the heck does that mean?

Well. Meditating on the WORD so that your spirit is resounding with it. Meditate on it, hold onto it in your MIND, which influences your WILL and your EMOTIONS and your BODY. The stuff of the word will stay in your mind, and it will be renewed.

Simple, maybe not the best explaining ever (I don't always blog my best wordings...? eh?), and SO GOOD. I felt like a blindfold was being lifted as I listened.

SO, that's newyear's. No more feeling sorry for myself.

POLAR BEAR SWIM!!! My first ever was today @ about 12.30pm, with Katrina and Aaron Bjornson. So fun. Pictures to come.