
i wish we spoke german.

I'm taking this class...a music history class...about Lieder, which is, essentially, german art song.


It really is beautiful stuff, even with a bare, bare, bare minimum of understanding of the language.

Take this, by Goethe (poet).

Uber allen Gipfeln
ist Ruh,
In allen Wipfeln
Spurest du
Kaum einen Hauch;
Die Vogelein schweigen in Walde.
Warte nur, balde
Ruhest du auch.

A poor translation:

Over all the mountains
is rest,
in all the treetops
you sense
scarcely a breath;
the birds fall still in the wood.
just wait, soon
you too shall rest.

Half the beauty of the poem is in the sound of the german (not nearly as gutteral and you'd think). The german word for peace, Ruh, is so peaceful sounding. Almost like 'roo-uh', but better.


Also today, a watermain burst, and there was no water for me to shower, so I went to the gym @ school, worked out, then showered.

That's more or less all for now.

so. peace out.

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