
PART 2: Feb.18, 2007.

10.00am: (ok, more like 11am) Sunday morning service @ St.Thomas, on fifth ave. (THE Fifth Ave!! ah!).

Starbucks, lunch from Whole Foods (in Columbus Cirlce), back to Elizabeth's to eat, grocery shopping @ Gristede's (?), and walking up to Tryon Park (I think that's what it was called) -- beautiful view of George Washington Bridge.

6.00pm: checkin' out St.John the Divine -- divine it was.

On the way home: THE SEINFELD RESTAURANT. Cool. This city is so famous.

Dinner was chili @ Elizabeth's (she puts beer in it -- very interesting), and chill time.

tomorrow: lessons with Cornelius...(sadly, no pictures of him, but plenty of recording).

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