
The Epic Weekend of May 3-5, 2003.
...As it was becoming Friday morning, I sat in Cafe Deux Soleils listening to the amazing Mark Berube, with Mike Liston on bass, and Mike Simpson on drums.
...Friday evening, Neal and I headed to Langley to get Nicole, speaking of our upcoming summer of Deckhand directing all the way.
...Back to my house to fill out her dts application.
...An insanely misguided search for the Sugar Refinery. We get there to hear Familly Man(n?) and the Parlour Steps (who were blowing the sound system to bits). Huzzah for the nachos!!!
...Saturday morning "sleep-in". I remember once during the night I rolled over and put my arm out...only to realize I'd hit Nicole in the head. Whooops.
...Bussing FOREVER to Granville, and then shopping!! HERE'S THE COOL PART!
me: 1 pair baby blue converse high tops (camouflage), 1 baby blue 3-row studded belt (the rock shop).
wallet: zero $$
stores: one happy customer.
...I took the skytrain for the 1st time in YEARS! Just from Granville to Waterfront Station.
...Richmond Center Mall for...banking and shopping for Joanna. But then...
...Old Navy SUCKED me in and got me to buy a green shirt...and then my mom bought me clamdiggers (blue) and a shirt (white and blue striped).
...Onto Transit where the score became...
me: 1 denim/leather bag 1/2 price!, 3 headbands (buy 2 get 1 free).
wallet: zero $$ (I'd refilled).
store: one VERY happy, fool...I mean customer.

...Sunday morning I led worship and had a great day driving the "new" 1984 hatchback, 2 door, "Hondamatic" Honda Civic belonging to ME...my dad, Joanna, Mum, and Ben. *sighs*. But I got to drive it!

OKAY that's all. imr CD release on Wednesday @ Mesa Luna's. Be there...or be...somewhere lame.

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