
I was watching a movie called, "Welcome to Collinwood" (bizarre, but so funny...especially with Ash, Roger, Kirstin, Jo and Ben[my brother]) last night. And there was a certain line which has sent my heart spiralling into turmoil. Summer is coming, as are memories of last, which sometimes seems like yesterday. The coolness of a basement when you enter from the glare of the hot sun, the smell of sunscreen, the carefree feeling of driving down and open road, sunroof open, talking away as Jo listens like only she can.
The line was, "I like you." Simple, straightforward, but it's killing me. As it did, way back when...last July.

On another note, RACHAEL IS HOME!!!! YAY!!!! Party Party Party for her @ Jericho Beach tomorrow night. Come on down!
Party Party Party Party Party Party for me on Friday night. Comment and leave an email for info. Especially J-Sun. And Ben.

From Proverbs...somewhere..
"The heart is foolish above all things; who can understand it?"

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