
"Wookified musings" and "riting on the wall".
Not so brilliant, but they stuck out.
Where do people get the inspiration (or non inspiration) for their blog titles?

Last night I went to choir after work. It was fun. We're doing this Benjamin Britten song called "Jubilate Deo", and it's really good. @ rehearsal, Mr.Pullan (or perhaps he's Dr.Pullan?) went through the theory of the piece, key changes and such. That was cool.
Then I went to Kits for cereal (mm...dinner) and Bible study with Mikael and Megan. We went to Chapters to find a new Bible study...nada!
I realized I really wanted to hang with Liz and Mikael, so we went and got Liz, then drove to English Bay, found FREE parking BOOYAH! and watched the dwindling twilight.
*ring, ring*
Jo is calling! Mark Berube @ Cafe Deux Soleils...OKAY!
We go...it's awesome. Mark with Mike Liston on bass (RAH!!!), and Mike Simpson on drums (really good, but I don't know him).
I had a chai tea latte, and the really cute server guy seemed annoyed that I paid with a $20. It was all I had! Come ooon!

Anyway, I need to go.
Neal is calling.

ha ha ha ha ha...wow.

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