it's snowing here in Lethbridge Alberta.
I guess this is what people mean when they say it's unpredictable. As lately as a week ago, it was 20 degrees outside, warm, sunny, perfect for running, walking, playing in the fields.
TODAY it is -10 (with guessed by Deanna and I when we were walking home today), and snowing without any signs of letting up.
Thus, I am looking into purchasing some winter footwear.
a lil' more missy.
But time has changed nothing at all -
you're still the only one that feels like home.
I've tried cutting the ropes,
tried letting go but you're still the only one
that feels like home.
- missy higgins.
it's been snowing here...snowed on saturday night, i walked to church on sunday IN THE SNOW, and it's still around.
pretty neat. i definitely like it.
EXCEPT -- i don't really have any kind of suitable "snow shoe" boots...and i'd be way more hardcore about walking to school if i did. i don't like having cold, wet feet. but that's ok. i just take the bus.
FUN FACT: lethbridge has NO snow ploughs, and very few sidewalks have been salted.
so much for prairie snow skills.
you're still the only one that feels like home.
I've tried cutting the ropes,
tried letting go but you're still the only one
that feels like home.
- missy higgins.
it's been snowing here...snowed on saturday night, i walked to church on sunday IN THE SNOW, and it's still around.
pretty neat. i definitely like it.
EXCEPT -- i don't really have any kind of suitable "snow shoe" boots...and i'd be way more hardcore about walking to school if i did. i don't like having cold, wet feet. but that's ok. i just take the bus.
FUN FACT: lethbridge has NO snow ploughs, and very few sidewalks have been salted.
so much for prairie snow skills.
new words.
You were blessed by a different kind of inner view: it's all magnified.
The highs would make you fly, but the lows make you want to die.
And I was once there, hanging from that very ledge where you are standing.
So I know
I know
I know,
it's easier to let go.
- missy higgins.
good music.
The highs would make you fly, but the lows make you want to die.
And I was once there, hanging from that very ledge where you are standing.
So I know
I know
I know,
it's easier to let go.
- missy higgins.
good music.
you give me mercy, you give me grace.
I had a few home-moments today. I was thinking about a friend back home, then looked out the window of the bus, and realized I was in Lethbridge...
We watched a film in sociology, and I couldn't wait to get home and talk to my mom about it...
My heart breaks and is anxious for the camp I have served for many summers...
I would've given a lot of things to hug zoe...
or eat junk food, not worry about the cost (cuz it was in the freezer)...
I went for a run with Lynnae today, out into the road beyond my neighbourhood. We were running through fields, basically. And we talked about a lot. We talked about Mormonism, because I had questions, and she had answers.
My knees are sore, all of me is sore, and I'm ready for bed.
Lord, I wanna yearn for you
I want to burn with passion
for only you.
I am the 2006 Prayer Director for IVCF Lethbridge.
Please, lift me up. I can't do this alone.
We watched a film in sociology, and I couldn't wait to get home and talk to my mom about it...
My heart breaks and is anxious for the camp I have served for many summers...
I would've given a lot of things to hug zoe...
or eat junk food, not worry about the cost (cuz it was in the freezer)...
I went for a run with Lynnae today, out into the road beyond my neighbourhood. We were running through fields, basically. And we talked about a lot. We talked about Mormonism, because I had questions, and she had answers.
My knees are sore, all of me is sore, and I'm ready for bed.
Lord, I wanna yearn for you
I want to burn with passion
for only you.
I am the 2006 Prayer Director for IVCF Lethbridge.
Please, lift me up. I can't do this alone.
E-X-E-R-C-I-S-E spells 'I'm tired.'

This is MIKE and DEANNA. Mike has appeared on the blog before, but Deanna has not.
About a month before I moved here, I thought to myself, "I wonder who my first friend will be in Lethbridge?" I thought that most weeks before moving here, just on and off, whenever I thought of moving to Lethbridge.
Well folks, I'm glad to tell you....DEANNA WAS MY FRIST FRIEND! We're in the same Studio (ie have the same voice teacher), turned out that she lives 2 doors down.
She isn't a huge fan of this picture, so my real Deanna post will be later, with the picture she really likes. But, I like this picture, and I thought it would be a good pre-introduction, just to get you ready.
In other news, I went to an exercise class with roomie Carmen tonight. It was...intense. It reminded me third week of running. GOod times.
I have to go type up my theory homework now.
Changing times.
I think I'm becoming a more (physically) healthy person than I used to be. By that I mean...
when I was a kid (ie 6 and under), I got a lot of infections (ear, throat, lung, bladder), and I was often on antibiotics.
When I was 7, doctors "discovered" that I had a host of allergies, which were spinning my immune system into a constant state of turmoil.
When I was 8, I had my tonsils and adenoids removed! This put an end to the 4-month bouts of tonsilitis I'd been experiencing every winter.
IN PLACE OF TONSILITIS, I often ended up with bronchitis in the winter, but maybe only one 2-week run of it, not 4 months of agony.
When I was 12, I had a month of severe asthma in the form of bronchial spasms. My bronchial tubes would close off for 10-seconds (in the midst of a coughing fit), and then would re-open. Asthma testing was inconclusive, the cause of the spasms was never specifically identified (although moldy leaves were thought to be the culprit, as this all occured in the fall of grade 7, and one of my "discovered" allergies was mold).
Tracking my medical health through high school, I was the only kid I knew who had an allergist, a chiropractor, and ear/nose/throat specialist (though I haven't seen him for years), and a GP who I saw once a week. That's right, age 13 was a banner year -- I started "allergy shots", because oral antihistamines were no more effective than sugar pills. I was still pretty regularly sick with bronchitis, ear infections...ugh. Throw in all the hormones and blabhblah social crap of high school, and ages 13-18 were a barrel of fun.
TODAY: age 23. Serious or chronic illnesses don't follow me so closely. I get a crazy cold/cough/throat/nose blech thing late-fall/early winter (ie, right now), and my allergies flare up in the spring, or at camp (uh, moldly cabins, dusty carpets, lots of grass and flowers...), but I am more or less healthy. I don't see a chiropractor very often, I enjoy quite a bit of physical activity (running, walking, chasing the bus), and I eat well...
BUT TODAY, today I went to the clinic at school to see a doctor, because I just can't kick this cough/cold that's been sitting on my head for a couple weeks. And it hurts to swallow. Boohoo.
Most people who aren't paranoid about infectious things probably wouldn't think twice about CHILLING OUT and letting it pass, but not me. I need to make sure that I am OK.
The good news is that I don't have bronchitis, I just seem to be prone to wicked colds.
woot, woot?
when I was a kid (ie 6 and under), I got a lot of infections (ear, throat, lung, bladder), and I was often on antibiotics.
When I was 7, doctors "discovered" that I had a host of allergies, which were spinning my immune system into a constant state of turmoil.
When I was 8, I had my tonsils and adenoids removed! This put an end to the 4-month bouts of tonsilitis I'd been experiencing every winter.
IN PLACE OF TONSILITIS, I often ended up with bronchitis in the winter, but maybe only one 2-week run of it, not 4 months of agony.
When I was 12, I had a month of severe asthma in the form of bronchial spasms. My bronchial tubes would close off for 10-seconds (in the midst of a coughing fit), and then would re-open. Asthma testing was inconclusive, the cause of the spasms was never specifically identified (although moldy leaves were thought to be the culprit, as this all occured in the fall of grade 7, and one of my "discovered" allergies was mold).
Tracking my medical health through high school, I was the only kid I knew who had an allergist, a chiropractor, and ear/nose/throat specialist (though I haven't seen him for years), and a GP who I saw once a week. That's right, age 13 was a banner year -- I started "allergy shots", because oral antihistamines were no more effective than sugar pills. I was still pretty regularly sick with bronchitis, ear infections...ugh. Throw in all the hormones and blabhblah social crap of high school, and ages 13-18 were a barrel of fun.
TODAY: age 23. Serious or chronic illnesses don't follow me so closely. I get a crazy cold/cough/throat/nose blech thing late-fall/early winter (ie, right now), and my allergies flare up in the spring, or at camp (uh, moldly cabins, dusty carpets, lots of grass and flowers...), but I am more or less healthy. I don't see a chiropractor very often, I enjoy quite a bit of physical activity (running, walking, chasing the bus), and I eat well...
BUT TODAY, today I went to the clinic at school to see a doctor, because I just can't kick this cough/cold that's been sitting on my head for a couple weeks. And it hurts to swallow. Boohoo.
Most people who aren't paranoid about infectious things probably wouldn't think twice about CHILLING OUT and letting it pass, but not me. I need to make sure that I am OK.
The good news is that I don't have bronchitis, I just seem to be prone to wicked colds.
woot, woot?
here they are!
I thought you might like another post. Aren't I sweet?
I've got another introduction for you...Miss Jenessa Donahue.

Hailing from Canora (sp?) Saskatchewan, she moved to Calgary last spring (? my facts may not be as exact as I'd hoped), and now she's blingin' it up in sunnywindysnowyrainy Lethbridge.
She's in room no.6, down in the quasi-basement. It's a little bit above ground, enough to have windows, and it's not really an entire floor...more a half floor. Like in being John Malkovich, the 13 and a half floor...?
Bizarre movie references aside, Jenessa is stealing her way into my heart. For those of you who know nicole thomason, Jenessa is kind of like her, in terms of attitude and spunk and fire...with a soft heart.
Jenessa and I just confessed last week to our first impressions of one another. I was scared to meet her, mostly because her emails were tagged "super bitch". She thought I might be a crazy house-dictator, because I have the master bedroom, and am technically "head of house". It was good to get that out, and truthfully, I think we've been pleasantly surprised by each other.
What else? Jenessa gave me a bunch of books to read...Flowers for Algernon, The Chyrsalids, When She Hollers, The Giver, and Pay It Forward. So...she's good at sharing.
Her boyfriend is Kyle, and he's rad. He visits us, well her, every other weekend or so. He hasn't been around in a while, and I'm starting to miss the little guy. He's pretty funny, and I often serenade he and Jenessa when they're here. Nice to have musical appreciators around. If only they were rich enough to be my patrons...
Jenessa will (hopefully) read this, so I'll say something genuine...I love this girl. She's definitely exploded into my heart, and I'm glad she did.

Keep on making the world better girl, one heart at a time.

Hailing from Canora (sp?) Saskatchewan, she moved to Calgary last spring (? my facts may not be as exact as I'd hoped), and now she's blingin' it up in sunnywindysnowyrainy Lethbridge.
She's in room no.6, down in the quasi-basement. It's a little bit above ground, enough to have windows, and it's not really an entire floor...more a half floor. Like in being John Malkovich, the 13 and a half floor...?
Bizarre movie references aside, Jenessa is stealing her way into my heart. For those of you who know nicole thomason, Jenessa is kind of like her, in terms of attitude and spunk and fire...with a soft heart.
Jenessa and I just confessed last week to our first impressions of one another. I was scared to meet her, mostly because her emails were tagged "super bitch". She thought I might be a crazy house-dictator, because I have the master bedroom, and am technically "head of house". It was good to get that out, and truthfully, I think we've been pleasantly surprised by each other.
What else? Jenessa gave me a bunch of books to read...Flowers for Algernon, The Chyrsalids, When She Hollers, The Giver, and Pay It Forward. So...she's good at sharing.
Her boyfriend is Kyle, and he's rad. He visits us, well her, every other weekend or so. He hasn't been around in a while, and I'm starting to miss the little guy. He's pretty funny, and I often serenade he and Jenessa when they're here. Nice to have musical appreciators around. If only they were rich enough to be my patrons...
Jenessa will (hopefully) read this, so I'll say something genuine...I love this girl. She's definitely exploded into my heart, and I'm glad she did.

Keep on making the world better girl, one heart at a time.

This post should include a picture of Mr. Mike Hazeltine (and me). He used to live here, in Lethbridge, and I'm friends with his friends, but now he lives in Abbotsford, and is attending Trinity Western University.
Mike's a cool kid. I met him when I was home for thanksgiving--my last long drive in the now no-more little red. *moment of silence*. Zoe and I drove out to meet him at a starbucks/chapters, and I'd say it was a successful meeting.
That's really all for now. It snowed today in Lethbridge, and we are expecting a Chinook later this week.
My cold is going away.
I cleaned my bathroom.
The last of mom's lentil soup (which she made for me when she was here in September) is gone. I defrosted it last week, and had several excellent meals.
THe end.
1-250-....who the heck is calling me?
My phone read: 1 New Voicemail, 1 Missed Call.
The Caller ID showed that I'd missed a call from a 250- number...BC, outside the lower mainland.
I thought, "could it be luke stones? or emily? andrew dean?"
I quickly called my voicemail, and was surprised to find a message from andrew...snyder. He was calling about theory, but still, I was surprised. And glad, actually, because I had theory questions for him too.
For those of you reading this from home, you should know that andrew snyder is pretty sweet. He's probably reading this, so I'm not sure exactly what to say...
A bunch of us watch 'amazing race' at andrew's house every tuesday -- it's one of the things the "group" has welcomed me into. Anyway, last week, andrew's team got out -- it was pretty tragic. But, I know andrew is strong, and his team made real headway as a family -- it was a beautiful thing to watch.

Andrew has recently become an uncle to a gorgeous niece named Calista Mae. I might try and put a picture on here for you...but as we all know, I don't really have picture skills. Although he and I aren't super close (yet?), I was so proud and excited for him, and when the baby finally arrived, it was huge. The baby wasn't huge, but the event, the arrival, that was huge.
I don't know what else to tell you. Andrew has a beautiful tenor voice, which won him a spot in a sing-along 'Messiah' this Christmas.
Andrew is, obviously, a guy, which makes for an interesting friendship. A lot of my friends at home are guys, and I'm pretty close with some of them. Making new guy friends is more difficult than I would have assumed -- especially with christian guys, there's a lot of boundaries, and healthy ones, but still, I don't always expect them. I think that for the guys, it comes out of a respect for the ladies they know, not wanting to lead any of them on (this stems from what I think is an epidemic amongst christians girls...our desire to define relationships, but ultimately, our tendency to think that every good looking christian guy we meet must be MR.RIGHT(eous), and must be told of his new status...), but it also means that the guys tend to keep their distance. I guess that's healthy in a sense, but I also think that some friendships aren't all they could be...
Maybe that's enough about Andrew for now...I'll do a series of posts, introducing my friends here.
Uh...hey Andrew, was this awkward?
The Caller ID showed that I'd missed a call from a 250- number...BC, outside the lower mainland.
I thought, "could it be luke stones? or emily? andrew dean?"
I quickly called my voicemail, and was surprised to find a message from andrew...snyder. He was calling about theory, but still, I was surprised. And glad, actually, because I had theory questions for him too.
For those of you reading this from home, you should know that andrew snyder is pretty sweet. He's probably reading this, so I'm not sure exactly what to say...
A bunch of us watch 'amazing race' at andrew's house every tuesday -- it's one of the things the "group" has welcomed me into. Anyway, last week, andrew's team got out -- it was pretty tragic. But, I know andrew is strong, and his team made real headway as a family -- it was a beautiful thing to watch.

Andrew has recently become an uncle to a gorgeous niece named Calista Mae. I might try and put a picture on here for you...but as we all know, I don't really have picture skills. Although he and I aren't super close (yet?), I was so proud and excited for him, and when the baby finally arrived, it was huge. The baby wasn't huge, but the event, the arrival, that was huge.
I don't know what else to tell you. Andrew has a beautiful tenor voice, which won him a spot in a sing-along 'Messiah' this Christmas.
Andrew is, obviously, a guy, which makes for an interesting friendship. A lot of my friends at home are guys, and I'm pretty close with some of them. Making new guy friends is more difficult than I would have assumed -- especially with christian guys, there's a lot of boundaries, and healthy ones, but still, I don't always expect them. I think that for the guys, it comes out of a respect for the ladies they know, not wanting to lead any of them on (this stems from what I think is an epidemic amongst christians girls...our desire to define relationships, but ultimately, our tendency to think that every good looking christian guy we meet must be MR.RIGHT(eous), and must be told of his new status...), but it also means that the guys tend to keep their distance. I guess that's healthy in a sense, but I also think that some friendships aren't all they could be...
Maybe that's enough about Andrew for now...I'll do a series of posts, introducing my friends here.
Uh...hey Andrew, was this awkward?
Adventures in Taekema Country.
So exciting have been my adventures in Taekema Country, that I don't know what to write.
We definitely went shopping, and I scored. Yes, yes I did.
No luck with finding pictures online, but never fear -- all will be revealed in time.
I have to tell you that a highlight of my day has been Evie playing birdcalls on her recorder.
More on adventures in Taekema land later.
the one and only.
We definitely went shopping, and I scored. Yes, yes I did.
No luck with finding pictures online, but never fear -- all will be revealed in time.
I have to tell you that a highlight of my day has been Evie playing birdcalls on her recorder.
More on adventures in Taekema land later.
the one and only.
showing and telling.
I wanted to show you all my rad little bass-playing brother, and my rad fellow-cook and friend Ashleigh, who is also Ben's girlfriend.
But I can't get blogger images to work.
SO...that's the end.
But I can't get blogger images to work.
SO...that's the end.
six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
I am craving discussion. Deep discussion. The kind that delves into your mind and heart, challenging what is found there. Sometimes, it frightens you, but it's exciting at the same time.
Not my best post, I admit. More just a thought than an entertaining posting.
Today, I hung out with my friend Mary-Ann a lot. We (along with about 7 other people from our class) were working on our Orchestration projects -- arranging a piece for string orchestra and harp.
OH CRAP! I have to write in some more stuff...oh shoot...ok, I gotta go. peace out.
Not my best post, I admit. More just a thought than an entertaining posting.
Today, I hung out with my friend Mary-Ann a lot. We (along with about 7 other people from our class) were working on our Orchestration projects -- arranging a piece for string orchestra and harp.
OH CRAP! I have to write in some more stuff...oh shoot...ok, I gotta go. peace out.
I just watched "born into brothels" a documentary about kids born into brothels in Calcutta, India.
more later.
For heart is wrenched.
more later.
For heart is wrenched.
sunday afternoon, snow is melted.
my brother got in a car accident. totalled the car, but he is ok.
my brother got in a car accident. totalled the car, but he is ok.
I went to Save-On Foods this morning, because I left some goods on my cart the other day. They hadn't been turned in, so I just got new ones. Thank you Save-On Lethbridge. the parking lot, I saw this guy with the hugest nose I've ever seen. It was like a lightbulb on his face. I tried not to look but it was hard. Huge nose.
FOr reals.
HOw's that for excitment? (excitement? I dunno). the parking lot, I saw this guy with the hugest nose I've ever seen. It was like a lightbulb on his face. I tried not to look but it was hard. Huge nose.
FOr reals.
HOw's that for excitment? (excitement? I dunno).
a day in the eyes of...
got up @ 8.32am. 57 minutes after my alarm first went off.
ate breakfast! (revolution, man).
got a ride to school with Tony & Sarah. Talked about transfer program.s
had a pretty sweet voice lesson. Go head voice, go!
read some stuff.
went to theory -- interval cycles...
ate some lunch.
talked to andrew and phil about...checks and balances in society, and are people fundamentally good or would you steal, etc if there was no fear/shame/chance of getting caught.
sociology 1000 with lynnae...and 298 other kids.
took the bet down to $1 if kayleigh wears her devil tail to school for a day (it was $7.50 for her if she wore it all week).
practiced my song for the recital tomorrow. also, some ear training.
left school.
waited for the bus.
ON THE BUS: a girl whose foundation was @ least 4 shades lighter than her bizarre. Like me wearing a medium brown foundation.
home for D.philz.
goals: homework. read a sociology chapter. do the theory assigned today. ipa for french songs. something about orchestration...madness. I'm so behind in that class.
walk/run/breathe in the coulies this weekend.
tunes: mozart, selections from 'don giovanni'.
peace out.
got up @ 8.32am. 57 minutes after my alarm first went off.
ate breakfast! (revolution, man).
got a ride to school with Tony & Sarah. Talked about transfer program.s
had a pretty sweet voice lesson. Go head voice, go!
read some stuff.
went to theory -- interval cycles...
ate some lunch.
talked to andrew and phil about...checks and balances in society, and are people fundamentally good or would you steal, etc if there was no fear/shame/chance of getting caught.
sociology 1000 with lynnae...and 298 other kids.
took the bet down to $1 if kayleigh wears her devil tail to school for a day (it was $7.50 for her if she wore it all week).
practiced my song for the recital tomorrow. also, some ear training.
left school.
waited for the bus.
ON THE BUS: a girl whose foundation was @ least 4 shades lighter than her bizarre. Like me wearing a medium brown foundation.
home for D.philz.
goals: homework. read a sociology chapter. do the theory assigned today. ipa for french songs. something about orchestration...madness. I'm so behind in that class.
walk/run/breathe in the coulies this weekend.
tunes: mozart, selections from 'don giovanni'.
peace out.