
a day in the eyes of...

got up @ 8.32am. 57 minutes after my alarm first went off.
ate breakfast! (revolution, man).
got a ride to school with Tony & Sarah. Talked about transfer program.s
had a pretty sweet voice lesson. Go head voice, go!
read some stuff.
went to theory -- interval cycles...
ate some lunch.
talked to andrew and phil about...checks and balances in society, and are people fundamentally good or bad...ie would you steal, etc if there was no fear/shame/chance of getting caught.
sociology 1000 with lynnae...and 298 other kids.
took the bet down to $1 if kayleigh wears her devil tail to school for a day (it was $7.50 for her if she wore it all week).
practiced my song for the recital tomorrow. also, some ear training.
left school.
waited for the bus.
ON THE BUS: a girl whose foundation was @ least 4 shades lighter than her skin...how bizarre. Like me wearing a medium brown foundation.
home for D.philz.

goals: homework. read a sociology chapter. do the theory assigned today. ipa for french songs. something about orchestration...madness. I'm so behind in that class.
walk/run/breathe in the coulies this weekend.

tunes: mozart, selections from 'don giovanni'.

peace out.

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