
I watched '48 Hours Investigates' tonight on channel 15. They investigated 'The Canal Street Brothel' in New Orleans. It's been shut down now, due to an FBI Investigation. It was funny because @ the beginning of the show, these ladies are really cool, and you're thinking, 'stupid fbi! these ladies are so nice,' but then I kept on watching.
The brothel matron was Jeanette Maier. Her mother Tommie answered phones. Her daugher Monica worked as a hooker. Monica has a daugher, Naveya.
So I'm thinking, whaaaaat!? This family is nuts. But then it all comes spilling out. Jeanette was molested as a child. She turned her first trick @ age 8, for a quarter, so she could buy some food. Then Monica, her daughter, turned her first trick @ age 16. Jeanette didn't want her on the streets, so she brought her into the "family business" aka the brothel.
Whooooeee. It gets worse. Monica has also been molested and raped. She doesn't wanted the same life for her little girl, Naveya.
This story was heavy, and by this point, my heart was breaking.
So what can I do? Begin (and persist in) praying for this family. I started to see how the FBI shutting down this brothel has freed this family from these chains, by forcing them to do something else with their lives. And they are. Monica lost custody of Naveya in court, but is working to get her back. Jeanette hit rock bottom, and is building her way back up, as is Tommie. Really, I think they can make it. Will you consider committing to praying for them with me? God wants to heal this family, but only He can do it.
that was really all I had to say.

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