
what to write, what to write, what to write...
I have much to talk about, much that is flying through my mind, but it's best revealed in a more private sector.
On other notes, worship invasion was good last night. Though defining a time of worship in terms of adjectives is always rather difficult. God had put healing on the hearts of the leaders, and I think there was a real spirit of gentleness in the place, and a sense of peace and of quiet. Being still before the Lord is equally important to being up and dancing and shouting and battle cries and all the rest.

I talked to my friend Jessica the other night. She @ a ywam base in Newcastle Australia. Just hearing what was going on in her life, and just little greetings as people walked by, made me really homesick.
When we were @ Sasquatch! eating breakfast, we were talking about the weather and the mugginess of the day, and I said, "*with joking sobs* oh, it reminds me of home.". Townsville, right? And someone remarked, "you lived there for 6 months, and it's home!?" And truth be told, yes it is home.

I say that now with almost 12 months away from it, and with a sense of being @ home here again, but the community was really home.

Not much flow to that post, but what can you do?

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