

What you don't know is that when I watch Grey's Anatomy by myself, I inevitably start to cry, because George and Izzie and Grey do something friend-y together, and I miss the crew back in BC.

Not that those BC kids are perfect, and I think I romanticize this perfect life on the coast whenever I'm living in the coulees, but seriously -- home is cool.

So, I miss it sometimes, and I end up in tears, and I just want to call Mikael or an Andrew or someone like that, but I don't, because I'm crying...

There are these moments when things get really stressful, or I'm actually upset, or my ankle is killing me, and the happiness here becomes transparent, and I realize how much I miss home. Sometimes, most of the time, it's easier to forget that Richmond, Vancouver, North Van, Burnaby (gaglardi exit!), Abottsford, Keats, Anvil, ETc... even exist, because when they do exist, it hurts to remember that I have a home there.

When I procrastinate, and let people down, it's harder because there's no history for them to remember my faithfulness or trustworthiness...*sighs*. Maybe I imagine how well I'm known at home, but then I remember how Mikael would skip to my favourite track on David Gray even though it meant skipping hers.

That's what you don't know.

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