
hey Anonymous...
what an excellent way to cover all your bases...throwing your condemning remarks in my face from behind a very nice veil.

What is conditional is not friendship; perhaps you have misunderstood.

Yeah, last night I wasn't too stoked to be with that crowd...which was devastating. It's realizing that the way I've been called to live is radical, even within Christian circles...that's not too easy. Perhaps if you knew me (or do you?), you'd know the deep love I have for my friends, and what I wrote has more to do with being heartbroken than "holier than thou".

The conditions lie in my perception of those around me. Friendships are about growing and changing, learning new things about each other...that's a given. I'm down with that. For the most part.

What's devastating is to learn...to learn that the ones you think are your soul mates perhaps aren't.

But hey, thanks for your compassion. Next time I need a hug, I'll be sure and come to you..."Anonymous".

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