
I would have posted this next bit last night, but by the time I got home it was almost 2 am...IN THE MORNING!!!!
Mikael and I went to see Sam Roberts (and special guests) @ the Commodore last night.
Doors were at 8, we got there about 8:15.
By 9:15, there was no sign of a show.
At some point though (perhaps around 9:20?) the curtains were open, so we ventured downstairs, just in time to catch the "special guest"; a band from Victoria who's name I didn't catch, but that's ok.
Lots to say about them, but if you want a real review you should ask steve watts...he's better at that sort of thing. All I can tell you is the bass player was fun to watch, the lead singer looked like a dorky surfer, and the whole band looked more emo than butt-rock...although the music would indicate otherwise.
They psyched up the crowd, which was great.

Then...we stood in the pit for half an hour, waiting...
watching the couple in front of us be coupley (which we thought was going to make for a really lame show, but they ended up being cool crowd friends), and realizing that some of the audience had indeed come to see the opening band...
During that time, we were subject to most of an Eminem album...without the lyrics. That was fun.
and so on.
And we found people we knew...well, Mikael knew them. They went to her high school...including that kid who got beat up really badly a couple years ago.
THEN FINALLY...the lights went out.
And then...the band came onstage...HUZZAH! Only 10:50, and the band is here! Hooray!
(sarcasm, of course. Mikael and I were practically asleep. Yaaargh).

Taj Mahal (sp?) was Sam's first tune...then Eileen (or whatever it's called), and so on and so forth.
Many tunes from their forthcoming record...some funky stuff.
Sam Roberts is decidedly a stoner, but one with a social/spiritual/moral conscience, if only he were sober long enough to come to any conclusions...ah, but so cute. Even referred to himself as "little sam" when telling a story, about his dad waking him up for hockey practice.

Part way through his set, Mikael spotted the famed steve watts, and I then spotted the equally famed jenn lush. how fun!
(they spotted us later on. which was funny, because I'd just been saying to Mikael that I wish people spotted me, and tried to get my attention more often...you know?).
Soo...by the end of the show, we were right next to those 2 crazy kids, and steve did something which summed up my feelings exactly...
during the encore, the band played a song called "hot metal"...which seemed to go on forever...
I looked over at steve, and he was rubbing his forehead, like most people do when they're tired...
It was time for the song to end.
It soon did. And we left.

My shoes didn't remain stuck to the floor *phew*...and I didn't wreak of beer (despite being sprayed by the guitarist).
All in all, a fun show, not bad for $20, but I don't think I'd go see them at a larger venue.

To sum it up...S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M is here to stay. It's the only way.

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