
Resist the urge to take offense, because at the base of this I am amused.

It's a difficult time, financially. Tuition's up, movies cost more, so does food and clothing. I understand being broke.

I have saved money for shows and concerts and movies, turning down other offers in order to go with the one I really wanted. If a friend's choir or orchestra or concert band was performing, I'd make plans to go. I'm happy to show support and patronage of my friends and their art.

But apparently choirs are out. The invite to come see Brahm's Reqieum by the Cap College choir has been met with, "ooh...I...umm....good luck with that."

I understand, I do. Classical music isn't everyone's thing, and $15 is kind of steep for a performance you aren't really stoked on. But still I wish there were just one who would take the plunge. Maybe then you'd understand why I haven't been around.

[props to the ash and the andwer who came and listened/napped their way through Gloria and Magnificat at Christmas. and to all who came out to the Sound of Music. Your support and cheering doesn't go unnoticed].

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