
Tonight, en route to asap, I learned the words for Faure's "En Priere".
Beautiful song.

On the way home, I was thinking about some different things, and somehow got wondering about infidelity.
I was wondering about married perons who have affairs, and when their marriages break up, marry the person they were cheating with! That seems strange to me. Granted, I don't get relationships...but I would have assumed that the affair was more about sex than anything else, so...what's there to build a new marriage on?
Or maybe the cheater really wasn't into the marriage at all, and hence the affair was really a new, truly intimate relationship.

I don't know.
Kind of a touchy subject, I guess, but one that knocks me down sometimes. Some of the most amazing families I know have been wrecked by infidelity.

A puzzlement.

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