
other goals...
a) don't work with the ymca childcare for 10 years. No more than 4. Maybe not even that. The politics are too much....
ie. *can't say "christmas", it's holidays....BUT, Harry Potter galore (games, theme days, toys, costumes, movies, etc...)
*can't have colouring books. They stifle creativity.
*can't make the kids do anything (ie. an activity or game). They make all the decisions, more or less.
it's a recipe for anarchy!
b) do get some sales experience. It would be good to have.
c) always have good taste in music.
d) always drink, and introduce co-workers to, SoBe Nirvana.
e) work hard, play harder.
a-z) love Jesus.
career goals
1) job with flexible hours (ie, shift starts @ 8am, but you can arrive by 8:15am, and that's fine)
2) good pay ($15/hour or more)
3) kindergarden-(or is it garten?)-ers. They are the funnest age of kids to play with, colour with, chill with...they just rock. And they're SO cute!
4) something fufilling.
5) something with music/art/creativity...or where I can file stuff. Or all of the above.

I've figured out why I can't get to work on time.
I haven't had to be anywhere @ 7am, on a regular basis, for a couple of years! My body can't dig it, yo.
Shall I begin "wake up!" training? How does one go about doing that?
I work Monday-Thursday next week, mornings included.

Fire me now.
oh yes, and for falling asleep music...hasten here, my weary friend(s).

Ah yes, and welcome to Alana and Jill (aka "the survivor").
I realize that where blogs were once amusing, the laughter rings empty.
It will get better, I promise.
I just gotta think less...

*I think....*

in a haze, a stormy haze.
I'll be 'round, I'll be loving you always.

here I am, I'll take my time.
here I am, and I'll wait in line always.


gazes meet across a room
turn away to stare at shoes...but eyes cannot resist
a dance--perfect footfalls and spins
hands grazing anxious skin

a melody is plucked,
now softly, growing strong
a ringing voice still haunts the room
the dancers have moved on

I met a guitar today.
Seven Years
Spinning, laughing, dancing to
her favourite song
A little girl with nothing wrong
is all alone

Eyes wide open
Always hoping for the sun
And she'll sing her song to anyone
that comes along

Fragile as a leaf in autumn
Just fallin' to the ground
Without a sound

Crooked little smile on her face
Tells a tale of grace
That's all her own

Spinning, laughing, dancing to her
favourite song
A little girl with nothing wrong
And she's all alone

by Lee Alexander
--Norah Jones--


Just in case you'd forgotten...here are my latest advertising gimmicks again.

Listening to: Nora Jones. wow....

p.s. I did eventually get home last night. Well, "last night". I fell asleep on Alana's bed, and awoke with a *start* to Ryan tapping my feet...it was weird....it kinda freaked me out. Not because it was Ryan, but you know how when you wake up SUDDENLY...you can lose your breath and it's disorienting? It was like that.
Anyway, I got home safe and sound...never even came close to falling out of the vehicle while moving....*winks*. Props to Gillian (sp?) for surviving that with much grace and few injuries. Although, my teeth were chattering like crazy...I hate being cold.
we listened to: over the rhine.
I aM exHausTed....but I can't go to sleep. I'm @ ALana's house, and Flowers is my ride...and they're all chillin'. and I need to go home. BUt I...I don't want to break up the partaaay yo yo...but I am so tired...
Jonathan Inc. and Radiogram were really good.
As was chillin' with Becca and Jenn, and meeting TIm...who I wrote my mp3 site down for.
yes! I am learning!
*hooray for stickie notes*
I am soooo tired.
Please can someone come and take me home?


my music

What a day. Best thing said to me...
"I haven't felt that way during worship for a long time, sister." --Dave P.

I lead worship tonight, and for the first time in...over 2 years, I felt calm beforehand. Did I have everything together? NO, of course not. I am a procrastinator. *sighs*. But something happened. God was totally there. I myself had sore fingers, and I'm never all that confident "leading" (praise the Lord for amazing musicians....wow), but I just had to step back from the mic and let loose. Just sing...and sing and sing.
During the last song, "Better is One Day", I don't know what the crowd was doing (my eyes were closed...what else can you do when leading worship), but we were just going. It was building and going and going, and I couldn't stop it. I'm sure we would've just played that riff forever, and I don't think any of the guys were following me per se...@ some point we stopped, but it was like, "ooh..maaan...did we have to?".
It was sweet.

If you knew the One in whose presence you come tonight, you would ask him for more.

*Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, your love makes me sing.*

good-nite. Sleep deep, sleep in peace. May you know true rest. God bless you.



Today, ladies and gents, is a monumental day in (my) music history.
I am online, baby!
Downloadable, in fully pirate-friendly form! THERE I BE!
I'M the KING (?) of NEW YORK!

*name that musical.....*

do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do!


I hope nobody takes my Eastern European comments the wrong way. After all, I myself am Ukranian (where else did you think I got this crazy nose?!)
I bought some 2-zone bus passes today, in the hopes that incidents like the one last week will be avoided (no change, waiting 1/2 an hour just to catch the bus...).
Also, it's cheaper this way.

I must give thanks to Ted for recommending Rufus' Guitar Shop (and yes, I dropped his name, but only once). The guitar doctor is cool; very careful, thorough, kind to the victim. And his price was SO MUCH LOWER than I thought, and he's eastern european (I think), so that's a bonus. (why? Well, when it comes to fixing instruments and other such things, eastern europeans seem to be the ones to go to. Besides, they have the best accents. AND my final doctor in Australia was Czech or something, and he was great. He gave me FREE antibiotics, and a good diagnosis. If only I'd run into him first....*sighs*).

Ok, that's all.
I believe I neglected to mention to you that on Friday night, with Mikael, Ben, Jesse, and Ash in tow, I managed to put a nice 3 or so foot long scrape on Big Red, right above the rear right wheel.

Add this to the guitar incident, and you may conclude 2 things...
1) I'm somewhat klutzy.
2) I won't really "bring a paycheque home" for sometime.
3) Not that I do that now, given that I maybe work once a week (GAH!), but the chances of my doing so will be lessened even further.
4) I haven't been having "good days".
5) I need a job. A regular job. With decent pay. And I need an employer who won't mind the time constraints being in a production of the sound of music creates.
6) Though I never thought I'd say this, I want to work @ the Portland Hotel. I know the drill, I don't mind the drill, I get to ride the bus, and the pay is incredible (@ least for me). Bring it on HEU, bring it on. By hook or by crook, I will get my job back.
7) I need a hug.
8) I'm going to cry.
9) Or run off and join ywam.
10) I need a hug.

Good-night. Good-night. Parting is...well, at least I can't break anything while I'm asleep...I hope.
Except for my discman, which keeps falling off my dresser during the night.
Just kick me now.
WELL! I am not.

cool Jesus story...
Luke 6:6-11
"On another Sabbath he went into the synagogue and was teaching, and a man was there whose right hand was shriveled. The Pharisees and the teachers of the law were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched him closely to see if he would heal on the Sabbath. But Jesus knew what they were thinking and said to the man with the shriveled hands, "Get up and stand in front of everyone." So he got up and stood there.
Then Jesus said to them, "I ask you, which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it?"
He looked around at them all, and then said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." He did so, and his hand was completely restored. But they were furious and began to discuss with one another what they might do to Jesus."

*end scene*


I hadn't had a bad day...until I tripped, and fell...my shoes fell off (or I fell out of them), and the Takamine (?) fell with me.
I'm shocked. I've become one of those idiots everyone hates. A Guitar-Dropper.

It's at times like this when I wish I had a "guitar guy". My "rogers video guy" just won't cut it this time.
stuff to remember list...
1) when meeting fans, don't push the album so much as ask their names, chat with them, etc...
2) mailing list! *fist to forehead* mailing list!
3) practice before any gig, open mic or otherwise.
4) wear good shoes.
5) ah yes...DON'T drop Ash's guitar on the floor. Ever.


*fist to face* DOH!


me and big red had the best time, along with Deliriou5? and their album GLO...which I love.
so simple. so worshipful. focussed up, hands raised. melodies soaring.

The Rock Garden itself was amazing...or rather, God was. God is.
I love Him so much...I can't deny that. I won't.
I've said that a million times, and I will say it a million times more, I'm certain.


thank you so much for reading my blog. I appreciate the patronage. Feel very, very welcome to comment whenever/whatever...

Check here for a gig announcement...or just note...
Backstage Lounge @ Arts Club Theatre...
Monday Oct. 18 @ 10pm ish.
me...and ash poon of in medias res...
no cover.
be there.


driving to rock garden aloooone...
just me and big red (that's my van)...
no friends to call us on the phooone...
and mikael won't even be there to fiddle with the antennae...

driving to rock garden aloooone...
perhaps it will give me a chance to talk to Jesus...
about some stuff that's in between us...
with no friends to distract me...

driving to rock garden aloooone...
not so bad after all.
I'll see you there...if you be there...
if not...well, have fun @ home.

*sung to the tune that's in my head*


Tonight, and tonight only...the Appenheimer Family Singers will be....*singing*
@ Brighouse United Church (email me @ melindaslife@hotmail.com for directions)...@ 6:30pm.
Free Food included.
And....well...you'd be watching me sing with my family. All 6 of us. Lined up, and in perfect 6 part harmony.

How could you even THINK of missing this!?

*originally I had the church address in here, but given that some strange person COULD be reading this...I thought I'd play it safe...so email me if you want to come*


That blog..about the Nelly Video...I didn't post it. It was Jo.

*cowers in the corner....*
Ok, ok, ok. It was me. I thought (and another smarty-pants I know agreed) that "dilemma" should be spelled "dilemna". I don't know why...we just thought that.
Apparently, I was wrong. And so was she.
But this is my blog...so I was wrong.
I'm sorry.
*offers apology bouquet*
I feel rather humbled....

that's a good thing.

I'm going to bed now.


*runs and jumps into NEW bed..mmm...*
I think I made a lot of spelling mistakes in that last one...
where's the english major?!

Ah yes...in Nelly's video with Kelly Rowland...the one that opens in "Nellyville"...
when Kelly moves in, across the screen reads "Dilemma"...the word is spelt "Dilemna"
you'd think somebody in music-video-production land would notice these things...

*ears perk up*
what's this? a new calling!?
Today or Yesterday, I was driving or walking and thinking to myself something about accountability. The thought I was attempting to form was something like this: I had become used to (refering to dts) having friends around to hold me accountable to a very high standard. Or, perhaps not high but holy. They knew me very, very well (the good, the bad, the ugly, etc...), had an idea of who I "had" been, who I was "now", and who I am wanting to become! They didn't let me slip too far, and they were so frank with me...sometimes it *hurt*. But it was such a good thing! And it was a 2-way thing. We didn't let each other reside in self-pity or blah blah blah, all those other human nature things.
But here @ home, my friends don't necessarily know the standard I've set for myself, the standard those dts friends held me to.

I think Jo has just proven me wrong...
(an excerpt)
jPo says:
well... do you want to hear God?
melinda joy: not of my own volition... says:
jPo says:
then wake up and listen

Ha! that was pathetic!
*woe is m--+smack+...*

A few days ago I said it was a good day for blogging...but I hate this backlog blogging.
That day, Jo called me! How wonderful! She wanted to hang out! So I said, "yeah baby!".
We went to...."the mall".....*shivers*. But it was alright.
I got...new black skate shoes (from payless....rah!), AND toe socks!
*what's with toe socks, anyway? Gloves for your feet?! And how do they know that the toes will even fit every toe!? What's that all about...*
Blah blah blah.
Then I bought black pants @ old navy with *visa*...yes yes, I am getting my butt kicked by a credit card.

Ok, that's it. I'm done. *peace out* and read Romans 12.
I can't even think of anything to rant about! Gah!
*newest entry to the blogging hall of shame....me.*
today, @ the end of choir, a tenor's cell phone rang, and he answered it, and as he headed out the door, we all heard, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GET BACK IN HERE...HOW DARE YOU...!"
*tenor shuffles into place, and we all...freeze*
*Mr.Pullan cracks a joke, and we all giggle nervously...secretly, I pity the poor tenor, and blush for fear that someday, this same fate might befall me...*

God forbid. Please, please, please!


OH man! I've been taking time off from blogging, and now I can't remember what it is I've been wanting to say!
It's been a good week so far, just so you know.

OH YEAH! Yesterday, I worked @ a school in Vancouver, which requires bussing there and back. I borrowed $3 from my dad for morning bus, and I knew I had $3 in my wallet for evening bus.
So, imgaine my surprise when I get out my wallet only to find.....a twoonie, 2 quarters, 3 American dimes, 1 nickel, and 5 pennies.
Yes, yes, as you add that up in your head, you will find that it equals $2.90 (plus exchange rates), not the required $3, for an adult, 2 zone fare. *sighs* I pouted for a bit, worried, scratched my head, found some bus passes, {but they weren't mine so I couldn't take one}.
Finally, I left the school, deciding to wait until 6:30pm to catch a bus (I got off work @ 5:50pm), because at that time, all zone fares are the one-zone price.
So I did.

On the way home, the guy across from me was playing with the string/handle thing on his cell phone. Then he dropped it. He held it still for a minute, before playing with the string again.
People are funny.
Yesterday, I was watching RECESS (one of my favourite cartoons), and Spinelli said, "....bustin' our chops!..."


Officially, the coolest cartoon ever! And I will henceforth refer my use of "bustin' [my, your, etc...] chops" to RECESS...

*spirit fingers*


Today has rocked so far (even beginning @ 1am in-the-morning with Zoe and Amelie...HI ZOE!!!!!!), but dinner is served and I'm hungry.
But stayed tuned....cuz it's a great day to blog.

*walks away in new black skate shoes....*


Gah! Shmeh! BLagh!

so much time, and nothing to post.

I am happy to be in the Sound of Music @ the Gateway Theatre in Richmond, BC this Christmas. *hint, hint* Let's make that c-l-e-a-r. ok? Good.
Now...what I am not....umm, so thrilled about...
1) the show schedule. 8pm shows Tuesday-Saturday, with 1pm matinees on Saturday and Sunday. ARRGH!!! So if you're having a party....let it go waaaay into the wee hours of the morning (ie past...12 midnight) OR have it on a Sunday or Monday night...or during the daytime...
2) the distinct lack of Christmas-season (MY FAVOURITE TIME OF YEAR) social life.
3) Too many divas.
4) My status as a non-slingshot owner.
5) *whimpers* my feet hurt.
6) If I keep whining like this, I'll have no friends left.
7) who will come see the show if I have no friends?!
8) *sobs* my life is over.
9) or I over-react.
10) I'm in my FIRST EVER show (not @ school). I'm so excited *whooee*, and I just can't hide it....*la la la*...
Weekend Update...
- wedding: good
- playing @ wedding: fun, fun.
- kirstin: gorgeous and happy.
- winston: so in love with her.
- mr. and mrs. dolby: what God has joined together, let no man (or woman, or satan) split apart.
- driving: fun. Never fell asleep.
- john mayer: mmmm....
- stuff I can't think of cuz it's 2 am: anecdotes galore.
- watching the sun rise in the Fraser Canyon: breath-taking.
- som rehearsal: ugh. but I get to dance.
- the red violin: ....it's canadian?!...
- level of patriotism: through the roof.
- need for sleep: immeasurable.


Tomorrow (Well, today) my friend Anna and I will be driving to Kamloops for the wedding of Kirstin and Winston (she was on my dts). I'm excited.
Could you please pray for 1) travelling mercies for all who will be trekking out to the wedding, 2) cool fellowship and laughs and good road-trip time for Anna and I, 3) an amazing, blessed, holy day for Kirstin and Winston, 4) that God would be glorified.
OH yes, Anna is coming because we are singing together...so please pray that 1) musically, we would do well, and the songs would be enjoyed by K&W, their family and friends, 2) again, that God would be glorified.
It's a wedding!
I'm reminded of Rick's recent talks @ Rock Garden, about Jesus turning water into wine, and how God is all about celebration, and abundance and joy....
If you have time, please lift us up in prayer. It should be a great day!
Speaking of which...I need to get to bed!
love u!
Cheers to Kristin, as the time approaches for her to join the world of rto.
My thoughts, prayers, and LOVE are with you.
I've been meaning to tell you that I was driving home from somewhere recently, listening to the Old Skool Hour on 94.5FM...and I heard that hip-hip-hippity-hop or whatever song by the Sugar Hill Gang (?)...and I decided that they are on the list of....people whose music must be listened to. A lot. @ least that song.

I've been meaning to tell you that I was driving home from somewhere recently, listening to the Old Skool Hour on 94.5FM...and I heard that hip-hip-hippity-hop or whatever song by the Sugar Hill Gang (?)...and I decided that they are on the list of....people whose music must be listened to. A lot. @ least that song.



Sometimes I read Guideposts Magazine...and sometimes what I read is pretty inspiring or challenging.

Here are a few quips...

"Hope is much more than a mood. It involves a commitment to action...What we hope for should be what we are prepared to work for and so bring about, as far as that power lies in us."

--John Polkinghorne, The God of Hope and the End of the World

"Deep faith is paranoia turned inside out. It is open instead of closed...It allows us to trust ourselves and others even if we and they have proven untrustworthy in the past."

--Thomas Moore, The Soul's Religion

And this one...well these 2...left me silenced.

"Prayer is a choice. For us to pray, to give thanks, or to voice our questions and doubts shows that we are choosing to leave an opening in our spirits. Without this opening, there is no vessel, no place into which God can breathe."

--Joanna Laufer, Inspired Lives: Exploring the Role of Faith and Spirituality in the Lives of Extraordinary People

"Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference."

--Max Lucado
Ben said that the chinese kids in his band class use, "la", the way Canadians use, "eh".

As in, "Shut up, la!". Alongside, "Shut up, eh [you hoser]!"

Who knew?
The Norwalk virus is busting out again...I think in Ontario? (I just heard the news report but I wasn't listening too carefully).

This time it's in a hospital!

No good, no good at all.


I am becoming the biggest jerk ever.
Gifts of compassion are strewn across the desert as I get stomped on again and again by the people I try and care for.
It's been prophesied that I will care until it hurts me, as caring for us hurts God. And I can only offer to others what I in turn receive from Him...
Does anyone understand that? Can anyone grasp what it is MY life, MY thoughts, MY feelings are like? It would be nice to be understood, rather than avoided.

I was never, ever discouraged by someone who was "closer" to God than me. It's so funny the terms we used to talk about one's feelings about God. I am in a relationship with God. We have a friendship, a Father-daughter, Saviour-saved, Best Friend....something that goes beyond any human comparison. Odd then how we can say we are far away from God, and that we don't know how to get back to Him...
What do you do in any friendship where there's a distance? You communicate! You go out, you ask each other questions, you listen to the responses, you send emails, you....communicate. Make an effort, a sacrifice. After a long time of silence, you take the plunge and pick up the phone.
Do you honestly believe it's any different with God?
The only difference is....He doesn't need to be reach via anything but...a spoken word.

Now I am rambling...but if you thought my last post applied to you, or was about you...maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Maybe I was just blabbering...
but the truth of it is, some of the people I love most in the world are ready to hurl themselves off a bridge...and I am desperate for them to see the light, the truth....the life that God is holding out, offering freely.
So if that's you, be not offended, but realize...I am weak. I am. But I care...perhaps more than you realize. I pray that if a grain of truth slips through your veil of despair it would be...that beyond cliches and church talk...God loves you.
Think about it.
Choose something to meditate on other than your own sadness. That's the only way out.

The way I live is a choice. It's a struggle, a daily battle to choose God over...whatever else. But worth...more than gold.
Like Matt said, when my life boiled down to me and God...cliches took on meanings so deep, all I could do was lie on my face and praise the Lord.

*sleep peacefully*
WEll....Anna and I will rock the house [aka wedding] on Saturday.

I've realized that 1) I'm not really all that funny anymore (on the blog) and 2) I have nothing of significance to write about. 3) Anything I would choose to write about would most likely be labelled as "too spiritual" or "too joyful" or "too 'in-a-good-place-with-God" to be understood.
Bitter? Not so much. Hurt? Yep. Angry? Yeah...lots of "how dare he/she/they..." statements rolling through my brain.

Yeah, sometimes life sucks. A lot of the time actually. My suggestion? Get off your whining binge and do something about it. If I read one more blog entry about, "oh...parents suck. Oh...my friends don't love me...Oh...I'm so far from God...Oohhh...why don't I just die", I think I will shoot somebody...[with a slingshot of course. Just a nice "wake me up"].
Same goes for the next person who says to me via email/msn/letter/in person/phone or otherwise, "you can't understand what it's like....". No, I don't know what it is to be IN YOUR HEAD...but I know depression and the addiction of despair, and self-hatred and all that jazz.
I've found a way to rise above and live with joy.
Are you courageous enough to want it for yourself?


Ok, that's all for today.
When your survival is reduced down to your faith, certain words take on much greater meaning, cliche becomes truth and you find yourself spouting out words you always hated to hear from other people.
Matt | 11.05.02 - 3:20 pm

Taken from the imr blog...a comment to a post by ash (the only one with 31 comments to date). It comes after one that I wrote...

After much discussion (amidst laughter and margaritas *virgin*, I had decided to post a p.s. comment....but perhaps I shan't.
Steve did a much better job of it, as did Leigh.
It has come to my attention that the way in which I speak of my faith can be interpreted as cliche and naive or ignorant.
My p.s. comment was simply going to attempt to state that, while I am a little more intense in my beliefs than some, I do not just speak of them, or think about them...they are my life. The truths I expressed in my previous comment are not just ideological statements or doctrinal understanding, but they are a result of a very real, very life-changing encouter with a very real God (blah, blah, maybe that's cliche, but get over it. I'm trying to be REAL here...trust me). This encouter has so impacted my life that the truth I speak of comes from who I am. It is what forms my morals, my beliefs, my faith--and hence my actions. For me, they are all tied up together...and I also tend to get a bit emotional. *sighs*
Anyway...I'm not sure if that made the point I was going for, but well...I'm sure someone out there will let me know.
I do not know how to separate "spiritual" me from "physical" me...but I will try and be more pragmatic in matters of faith...
mel a. | Homepage | 11.05.02 - 6:09 am

If you really want the whole story go here. And Matt, if you ever read this...thank you.
by Mark Dowds

-- After a long season of working in church I had to step back and ask the question about cultural relevance. In almost every forum and gathering of trendy people and progressive church leaders there is a heavy focus on the forms of worship and internal organizational expression. Many of our forms are cooler that they have ever been but we must still ask the question, \"is this culturally relevance at its finest?\" If it is, why are the unchurched not interested? I think one of the big shifts coming our way is learning the ability to be relevant in society instead of in the church meetings. It is an unfortunate reality that most groovy meetings are still filled with people who cannot relate outside of the church community. There is still something to shake off that has us focused on the gatherings instead of giving our attention to assisting people to be relevant.

It is time we started to educate people on how to be relevant instead of planning and wasting much energy on making our seasonal events bigger and better. We need to remember that unchurched people are not attracted to our coolness; they are attracted to God, to deep spirituality. People who do not know God will rarely travel for a trendy meeting but they will travel for the advice of a sage. Have we lost the genuine attractiveness of the Good news by being busy and becoming noisy when most seek solitude and an inner peace? It is a question that needs a well thought answer. We need to learn how to help spiritually hungry people experience genuine Christian truth. Basically, it would be a major error on the church\'s part to continue its pursuit of programs and methodological prowess that seems to work, when the world desperately seeks for God.

If we want to realistically evaluate our cultural relevance we need to analyze our influence in the culture instead its influence on us. Are we developing writers for the newspaper and for Hollywood? Are we training dancers to dance appropriately in clubs? Are we building houses for the homeless and fighting for the rights of orphans? Are we training young people to lead businesses that can re-shape industries? Are we encouraging athletes to run like and enjoy God on a Sunday? Do we talk a lot or are we integrated into society as a healthy source of life and creativity that reaches beyond the small pool of Christianity? --

note to all of you: a WHOLE ENTIRE DAY went by, and I didn't blog once.
Proud of me?
I think so.

Monday night @ played *first* @ the open mic @ Backstage Lounge, Granville Island.
It was fun.
I think I did fairly well, but there is definitely room for improvement. Like...when I'm nervous, I gotta take the time to focus on playing the guitar....and also, don't use someone else's guitar when I'm nervous. *sighs*
But...as I've just said to Andrew Chong, I give the performance a 7.75...or a B+.

Come next time...we'll go for *virgin* margeritas @ Earl's afterwards.


Oh and...last night, when I came home from the Rock Garden...my room was *transformed*.
my bold, beautiful (and big) new bed was there....oh, and the duvet makes the room *glow*...
And last night, I slept soooo well...no back pain in the morning...
I think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
I work for ymca daycare, as a sub. The daycare centers are (usually) located @ schools.
This morning, I was to work from 7-9am. Yep. So I went to the school I was to work at...or so I thought.
Yes, yes...I went to the WRONG school.
The RIGHT school called my dad, and he called my cell (which I had just to "happened" to have turned on this morning), and so I booked it over to the right school....tail between my legs.
As Mr.Gresko used to say...," HOW EMBARASSING!"


the comment feature...so highly sought after....is gone.
Jo says the server is down.
She says to wait it out.

I...I'm just not sure I can *sobs*

hey...anybody wanna carpool to rock garden tonight?
"YOUR FACE" dictionary.

1) your face-- that's in english.
2) tu cara-- that's in spanish.
2 b) tu caaaara-- IPODERAC style.
3) dine Gesicht-- that's in german.

this has been brought to you by....renaissance inc. "the company for everything and anything...except...?"


ywam conference this am...so good.
I talked to Frank Naea...and he talked to us...

Oh, and God and I had some definite conversing time too.

my brother is so cool!
He's playing the drums right now...dang, he's good!

I am so proud *sniffs* to be his fashion consultant.
why is it that on the nights when I actually do need to get some sleep...I can't get to bed before 2am!!!?!?!?!?!!!!

p.s....i love Jo.


so far today I have....
1) woken up @ 9:11am!!! woah!
2) made myself presentable for when the
3) IKEA delivery guys came and brought my new bed! *rah*
4) done some laundry.
5) spent lots of time looking at my room....
6) rehashed some hatred while looking @ b-ball pictures...I see no reason to keep the team photos. I hate those girls almost as much as they hated me. Bonfire anyone?
7) *sighs*
8) promised Ben I'd watch Strange Brew with him before the day is done.
9) stolen back my stereo.
10) moved lots of stuff around....
need to pay visa bill online...
online banking not working...
Happy November everybody.
A year ago today, "yesterday" I'd sent off my Student Visa application form...*sighs*
In 22 days I will have lost a day of work a week...and on that same day, received my Visa in the mail.
That, for me, was such a testimony to God's love and faithfulness....Little did I know how much more I would see and know and understand while on my dts....
Little did I know...