
my music

What a day. Best thing said to me...
"I haven't felt that way during worship for a long time, sister." --Dave P.

I lead worship tonight, and for the first time in...over 2 years, I felt calm beforehand. Did I have everything together? NO, of course not. I am a procrastinator. *sighs*. But something happened. God was totally there. I myself had sore fingers, and I'm never all that confident "leading" (praise the Lord for amazing musicians....wow), but I just had to step back from the mic and let loose. Just sing...and sing and sing.
During the last song, "Better is One Day", I don't know what the crowd was doing (my eyes were closed...what else can you do when leading worship), but we were just going. It was building and going and going, and I couldn't stop it. I'm sure we would've just played that riff forever, and I don't think any of the guys were following me per se...@ some point we stopped, but it was like, "ooh..maaan...did we have to?".
It was sweet.

If you knew the One in whose presence you come tonight, you would ask him for more.

*Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, your love makes me sing.*

good-nite. Sleep deep, sleep in peace. May you know true rest. God bless you.


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