OH man! I've been taking time off from blogging, and now I can't remember what it is I've been wanting to say!
It's been a good week so far, just so you know.
OH YEAH! Yesterday, I worked @ a school in Vancouver, which requires bussing there and back. I borrowed $3 from my dad for morning bus, and I knew I had $3 in my wallet for evening bus.
So, imgaine my surprise when I get out my wallet only to find.....a twoonie, 2 quarters, 3 American dimes, 1 nickel, and 5 pennies.
Yes, yes, as you add that up in your head, you will find that it equals $2.90 (plus exchange rates), not the required $3, for an adult, 2 zone fare. *sighs* I pouted for a bit, worried, scratched my head, found some bus passes, {but they weren't mine so I couldn't take one}.
Finally, I left the school, deciding to wait until 6:30pm to catch a bus (I got off work @ 5:50pm), because at that time, all zone fares are the one-zone price.
So I did.
On the way home, the guy across from me was playing with the string/handle thing on his cell phone. Then he dropped it. He held it still for a minute, before playing with the string again.
People are funny.
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