
I bought some 2-zone bus passes today, in the hopes that incidents like the one last week will be avoided (no change, waiting 1/2 an hour just to catch the bus...).
Also, it's cheaper this way.

I must give thanks to Ted for recommending Rufus' Guitar Shop (and yes, I dropped his name, but only once). The guitar doctor is cool; very careful, thorough, kind to the victim. And his price was SO MUCH LOWER than I thought, and he's eastern european (I think), so that's a bonus. (why? Well, when it comes to fixing instruments and other such things, eastern europeans seem to be the ones to go to. Besides, they have the best accents. AND my final doctor in Australia was Czech or something, and he was great. He gave me FREE antibiotics, and a good diagnosis. If only I'd run into him first....*sighs*).

Ok, that's all.

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