
I'm typing with Julianne sitting on my lap. Not an easy feat, let me tell you. It just puts your hands in an awkward awkward awkward typing position.
This morning I set out to do some theory after an hour or 2 of "napping", but then I woke up @ 1:54pm. YIKES!
I also awoke @ 11:45am because my dad came in, and I freaked out! I thought maybe I'd missed work, but I hadn't.
The blog here seems to be attracting some scandal in the comments section. Isn't that weird!? Well, I think it's werid. It's a lot easier for me to be a jerk when I'm typing than in real life.
I think I get annoyed with greater ease over the 'net than in real life.
I guess I'm just not an internet kinda girl.
I don't suppose that's a bad thing, though.

The keyboard I'm using here @ work doesn't respond well to my hands. I have to type really hard to get the letters I want.
Isn't life tough?

My Cap College audition is on Tuesday.
And I have a recital on Sunday.
And cousin Matthew is sleeping over tomorrow. We're going to Granville Island to buy beads.

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