
some people have really stupid blog names.

"my life"
"my so-called life"
"the world of..."
"the ... show"
"inside my brain"
"what i have to say"
" *weird little chinese letters* "

I'm thankful to have friends with good blog names.

"the in medias res blog"
"stop trying to be clever and just be you"
"i dig groovy bass lines"
"[::..a blog, and how!..:;]"
"a meaningless movement: a moviescript ending"

and so on, and so forth.

side note: don't write impassioned emails at night...it's stupid. because you say stupid things, and aren't sure what it is you're regretting when you wake up in the morning.

side note 2: I think the "splint" I wear @ night to keep me from grinding my teeth is giving me headaches.


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