
5:46am--I hear the radio playing, and decide to sleep 'til 6am.
6:46am--radio stops playing, I jolt awake, and shout, "shut up!! SHUT UP!!", in my head. I have to be @ work by 7am.
6:47am-7am--put on jeans that were on the floor. Get other clothes on too. RUN upstairs. Quickly go through daily ablutions...smell ok, look awake-ish. Run out the door, with bag and keys and sweatshirt. Wearing flip flops, and head scarf.
7am-7:06am--drive to Menoah or Manoah or whatever it is. Fog thick like pea soup until about 3 Rd. Then it thinned out like...our education budget.
7:07am-7:09am--get lost trying to find the school. Well, not "lost" per se, I just forgot to turn Left...teehee...
7:10am-7:13am--arrive, park, go to front door...LOCKED!! Argh, be frustrated, walk around the school...find the open door, rushinside, and find the room...to be so chillaxin' I almost fainted.
7:13am-9am--chill with the kiddies.
9am-1:16pm--drive home, walk inside...ugh. Check email fast, go nap on Joanna's bed with John Mayer. Wake up to post-man. Sign for packages, put mail on stairs, package on kitchen counter. Talk with mum and dad. Wander around aimlessly. Check email again. Choose a snappy outfit, shower, get dressed. Chillaxin'...msn with the mates, check email, email heidi r...

right now--I wonder if my faithful blog readers are concerned for me, due to the fact that they now know without a doubt that I do absolutely nothing during the day.
after I sign out--pick worship songs for sunday, eat lunch, read some of Hebrews, study for First Aid course, shop with mum, go to Bach choir, Bible study, chill with James, home.

good-day ya'll. Good-day.

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