
something I've noticed...when I call Mikael or Jessica or Ash...or one of a few others...and I want to hang out, I either get, "yeah, totally, come on over..." or, "oh...I'm working...but call me tomorrow..." or whatever. Both very good answers...the 2nd, slightly disappointing, but you know....life happens.
There are other friends of mine who I call, and I get nearly shot down.
Me: "Hey, what are ya'll doing tonight?"
Friend: "Oh...I dunno. Maybe nothing. We're just hanging out @ [so-and-so's] house."
Me: "Ok..well, is it alright if I come by?"
Friend: "well...I dunno...we're not really doing much...why don't I call you later?"
Me: "oh...sure...ok."
Dude...so unwelcoming. So disconcerting. I don't like it.
Why must life and relationships persist in being so aaaawkward?!

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