
I think seeing the Portland fellow on the street last night has really thrown me off. I'm not sure why...just that...oh man, it's really bothering me.

Should I try and go back there to work? I'm not sure...there are actually quite a few questions plaguing me right now...work, school, love, friendships, reading, writing, blogging, church, worship leading, ywam, and alpha...ugh. Tomorrow morning I'm getting up @ 9 to spend some quality time in the WORD...that life-giving book God has given us. Yes, I'm talking about the Bible. I love it so much. I skimmed just a few sentences the other day, and something in me stirred. A large part of my motivation to develop a normal sleeping pattern (ie in bed by 11 or 12 @ the latest) is so I can have a quiet time every morning. Because from there, I can do anything, through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). Study theory, piano, voice, practice clarinet (because I love it!) and guitar, calls lounges/coffee shops, walk, exercise, ride my bike...anything! Once my eyes are on Christ, and I am secure, I am....I am ready to live.

how do I so easily ignore the most important relationship in my life?

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