
today's list of...mmmmuffiny goodness equality.
1) passed first aid course.
2) short nap.
3) love my family.
4) imr/thepale/stabiloboss @ twu...packed out show. imr wowed the crowd.
5) short stack and marcy.
6) jessica and mikael. wow.
7) jBo, rachael, brent, lorea. erina, noodle, ted. the list goes on....jo, rebecca, julie, kat...
8) phone call from kat. mm...yay.
9) not driving to twu because of...
10) matt kerr.
11) fog. and not driving in it (refer to 9 and 10).
12) post imr chillin' (brr...outside) and @ Denny's...
yeah. ok. the list is super long. let's just say it was a good day. ah...

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