
which is not to say that I don't hang out with other people...or that I don't enjoy the company of other girls...
it's just that, as I said tonight...when I'm making a list of people to hang out with, Mikael and Ash are my first 2 choices. Why? Because 1) if the 3 of us are together, it's more than fun. It's riotous hilarity and fun. 2) if I'm just hanging out with either of them, it's cool. It's easy, it's fun, it can be serious....conversation, silence, tv, movie, coffee, tea, (from now on) chutney...it's just good. 3) in the last couple of years, they've been my 2 constant friends. Always "there for me"...
And I'm totally diggin' the new friends I'm making. TOTALLY!!! New friends--I LOVE YOU!!!! But you know when you get to the point in a friendship where you can just be...and it's so good...
that's what it is.
the end.
ps...why do I justify myself to my blog-readers? If you read my blog....I would assume you know me quite well...and hence understand that what I say is 99.9999999% of the time NOT meant to offend or hurt, scorn, burn, etc....

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