
A. A blueberry. Tee hee hee...

Today, I realized that I think I write on here a bit too much, which is bad only because it allows me to get all caught up in me and my stupid self. *sighs*

I'm supposed to be @ Kat's house pretty soon, but my mum isn't back to pick me up yet....*sighs*

I'm listening to Rosie Thomas (2 Dollar Shoes~thanks Ash). It's a great album. I'm thinking of covering a couple of her songs (So far I've figured out how to play have you seen my love?...so that's exciting. Farewell is playing right now...one of few songs that can make me cry just in the opening chords...but today I am not crying...yet.

speaking of covering Rosie songs, today I am determined to call @ least 2 venues...ok, let's make it all 5. I've got...Amber's, Anza Club (which I think it for Australians?), Backstage Lounge @ Arts Club Theatre, Bean Around the World, and Blunt Bros. *sighs*.... it's times like these I wish I had a manager, or a band, or someone to back me up in this, to sit beside me while I call. Or I wish I had some crazy rush of confidence and adrenelaine....*waits...* nope. Though I should point out that 1) Ash is prodding me to do this (thanks), 2) Melissa agress with him (woohoo!), 3) Mikael's by my side *phew*, 4) Rebecca (sp?) Watts will come to my shows AND bring friends...5) God's given me a gift to sing, and to write, and for reasons often beyond my comprehension, people enjoy what I have to give. *peace*

Listening to: Rosie Thomas, 2 Dollar Shoes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This might sounds creepy, but I was trying to google the chords for "Have You Seen My Love?" and your blog came up. I can't find them anywhere, so I thought I would send you a comment and see if you could possibly email them to me or post them somewhere. You can email them to yesiamathespian@yahoo.com if you get a chance. I would really appreciate it! I'm just staring on the guitar, so I can't figure the chords out myself, but I really love the song and want to learn how to play it.